
Trade on Tuesday. Profit on Friday. Rinse & Repeat

Investing Daily
Mind Over Markets
Trade on Tuesday. Profit on Friday. Rinse & Repeat

Trading Legend Jim Fink, just unleashed the world's first "rinse and repeat" trade... and it's helping regular investors double their money every week like clockwork. This simple trade plays out each Tuesday - and could double your money by Friday. His next trade goes live soon. Make sure you don't miss it. Get the full details now.


VIDEO: 5 Tech Megatrends for 2022

By John Persinos

Welcome to my latest video presentation. The article below is a condensed transcript of my video.

The surest way to reap investment profits is to tap unstoppable megatrends that will unfold regardless of monetary and fiscal policy or economic ups and downs.

Let's step back from the daily gyrations of the financial markets to examine five major technology trends that I believe will dominate 2022...and beyond. The time to increase your portfolio's exposure to these investment themes is now.

  • CRISPR and gene editing.

Make way for the new pioneers of innovation: the biologists, chemists, and other scientists who are forging new medicines from gene-editing "toolkits."

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The race for a COVID vaccine, which produced effective treatments with astonishing speed, underscores the life-and-death role of med-tech. New techniques for gene editing are coming to the fore that promise upheavals on a par, or perhaps even greater, than those wrought by social media, e-commerce or personal computing.

We're witnessing the rise of a revolutionary gene editing tool called CRISPR, an acronym for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats. CRISPR is the hottest area in biotech research today.

  • Blockchains.

Cryptocurrencies are secured by encryption, with no physical representation of the "money." The exchanges are recorded in what are known as blockchains, which make up the underlying infrastructure supporting the currencies.

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Every cryptocurrency is supposed to be linked to a blockchain, which is a distributed computer-generated database of all transactions that have ever taken place in the currency.

Every time a crypto token is used, a record of the transaction gets added to an existing database that is distributed to "miners," or creators of the database. These miners wield large ultra-fast computers that use sophisticated algorithms to add transactions to the blockchain. As such, blockchains provide many commercial uses, beyond just crypto.

  • Robotics/automation.

Increasingly integrated with artificial intelligence (AI), robotics/automation is permeating a wide variety of industries.

The pandemic has expedited the spread of robotics systems, as companies seek greater efficiencies with fewer workers. The benefits of these systems include cost-effective production and the rapid delivery of products and services at competitive prices.

Read This Story: Dawn of the Age of the Robots

Programmable robots are spreading beyond industrial uses to touch almost all aspects of daily life, as they get embedded with AI and integrated into the Internet of Things.

  • Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).

RFID uses tiny transponders called "tags" to pinpoint and track objects. Each miniaturized tag, many weighing as little as a grain of rice (0.0725 ounces), sports an embedded antenna that transmits and receives radio waves from an RFID transceiver.

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Doctors use RFID sub-dermal implants in patients to monitor their whereabouts, bio-functions and medical history. Pharmaceutical firms use RFID to track millions of proprietary drug compounds. Laboratories use RFID products to track tissue or fluid samples.

RFID tags also are used in tollbooths, at the gas pump, in retail stores, on automaker factory floors, and on farms inside livestock. In the aviation field, they're used to track aircraft parts and passenger bags.

  • Electric vehicles (EVs).

Environmentalists and government officials see EVs as a proven way to reduce the carbon footprint of transportation, to help fight global warming. Investors see the opportunity to invest in a breakthrough technology that will soon become the money-making status quo.

For the best play on EVs, consider lithium. A silver-white metal with many unique properties, lithium is crucial for a variety of industrial applications. The biggest growth driver for lithium is the demand for lithium-ion batteries used in EVs. Renewable energy (e.g., solar power) also requires a massive amount of lithium.

However, demand for lithium is outstripping supply, which is great news for the companies that mine and process the metal. For details about a publicly traded company that's America's number one lithium play, click here now.

John Persinos is the editorial director of Investing Daily. You can reach him at: mailbag@investingdaily.com. To subscribe to his video channel, follow this link.

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