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How does
Trend Analyzer work?
The BinaryBook Trend Analyzer makes use of comprehensive trading strategies to calculate asset tendencies.

It is a completely automated system helping you to decide whether to place a call or put transaction.

It uses three powerful technical tools that are proven to work when studying asset trends, notably the Relative Strength Indicator (RSI), the Moving Average (MA) and the Bollinger Bands.
Why use
the Trend Analyzer?
100% Free, there's no string attached.

Fully automated, you basically have nothing to do.

Make more informed trading choices rather than random ones.

Timesaving-It takes less than 20 seconds to study asset trends.

Operates based on popular and credible technical tools.
Yes, I want to
Trade the easy way
Call us:+44 2035144294 - Email us: support@binarybook.com
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