
This could create the new wave of marijuana millionaires

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Money Morning eLetter
Dear Money Morning Member,

Lawmakers are conceding to cannabis like a game of dominoes.

And there's no doubt in my mind that as the federal government continues to race toward full legalization, pot stocks are going to go absolutely berserk in response.

My team and I have identified the top cannabis companies our readers should consider targeting right now.

And already, folks have invested in these now-tiny marijuana stocks.

In fact, just a handful of trading days after we released our top stock recommendations, each of these trades were up firmly in the green.

And keep in mind, we're at the earliest stages of this economic boom...

So it pays to learn the best ways to get in the market now - before the next big surge hits...

Because the profit potential at stake could be powerful enough to hand you 10 times your initial investment.

Click here now for all the details - or risk missing out completely.

To Your Success,

Mike Ward
Publisher, Money Morning

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