
You’re Eligible For a VIP Deal!

You're Eligible For a VIP Deal!

Dear Investor,

Hi, my name is Rudy Soto and I'm the Director of VIP Services here at Investing Daily.

Before you pass up the opportunity to make a fortune following John Persinos' lead inside his Marijuana Profit Alert service, there's something you should know…

We have special deals available
for folks who give us call.

You read that right…

If you take just 2 minutes and contact my team of VIP representatives…

You could walk away with a special deal or payment plan you simply can't get from anyone else.

Give us a call at 866-833-2070.

And we'll be happy to get you hooked up and on your way.

We're here until 6 p.m. ET tonight.

And by all means…

If you have any other questions or concerns about Marijuana Profit Alert

We're happy to talk to you about them too.

We want to help you however we can!

Talk to you soon,

Rudy Soto


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