| 11 Grand: Shah's Money Zone readers are getting the chance to find out how a few keystrokes (and no stocks whatsoever) could be good for up to $11,000 a week. Click here to find out more...
| | How the Market Could Spiral Out of Control Like 2008 By Shah Gilani, Capital Wave Strategist, Money Morning Rising interest rates, toothless FAANG stocks, domestic and international political uncertainty and tension, Brexit, crude oil - take your pick. The market's got a lot on its mind right now.
You can turn on any cable news channel and watch folks holding forth on these and a handful of other worries.
But what you won't hear about is a heavy and potentially very dangerous factor out there creeping in around the edges.
I'm talking about correlation - and why it could quickly become a nightmare for unprepared investors... Full Story
Hang Tight - the Worst Isn't Over Just Yet Yesterday, during one of my regular appearances on FOX Business Network's "Varney & Co.," host Stuart Varney asked if the worst is over after the market's debacle last week.
I wish I could say otherwise, but unfortunately, the answer is no. What we have here is classic bear market behavior. In fact, the market is moving on not much news at the moment.
The next question, naturally, was whether I'm buying anything right now.
I'm continuing to sit out on Big Tech because the final clean-out has yet to come, but I'm confident that it will. And then I'm interested in companies like Boeing, for example, or American Water Works.
Why? Because these companies are about stability and the return of my money instead of on my money. In fact, both of these are long-term holdings, and they've got healthy dividends. On the one hand, Boeing has long-term military contracts, meaning great dividends from here on out.
On the other hand, American Water Works has kind of the same thing going for it. It's getting expensive, sure, but it has held up in conditions very similar to what we're seeing right now.
Bottom line, I want to get back into Big Tech desperately because that's where the future is. I am certain it will return to its leadership role, but just not yet.
Click right here to be the first to get Keith's Total Wealth updates on Boeing, American Waterworks, and all the other stocks in the news, as well as many more that aren't. Even better, you'll get the inside story on how to play 'em. Total Wealth hits inboxes three times a week, and there's never a charge.
Marijuana Millions Here's Why Cannabis Isn't a Bubble Sure, pot stocks have experienced some recent whipsawing along with tech-related firms, but our Executive Editor Bill Patalon says there's nothing to worry about. In fact, for investment purposes, the potent plant works a lot like technology does. Which is to say, it opens doors to piles of money... Full Story
Tom Gentile Here's the One Thing You'll Never Say Again When Trading During a recent session on all things trade, one of the main points that America's No. 1 Pattern Trader discussed was the pesky "I don't know" - and how it can stop trading dead in its tracks... Full Story
Must See Prepare Yourself for the Arrival of WWIII The Pentagon estimates China has enough missiles to wipe out every U.S. carrier strike group on the planet. To prevent an attack worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined, the U.S. government has silently funneled billions of dollars into a modern-day Manhattan Project, placing bets on one under-the-radar defense company. This firm's technology is the only thing standing between the United States and WWIII. To learn more about how we could arm ourselves against Chinese offensives, click here.
Money Calendar Pro (Premium Content) Grab Quick Holiday Cash with These Two Trades We've got a bullish week headed our way. And in the spirit of being diversified between bullish and bearish setups, we're turning to a bearish trade on a biotech stock and a bullish setup on this ETF... Full Story
Private Briefing (Premium Content) This Home Improvement Store Gave Us Our "Smart Home Stock" During a recent trip to Home Depot, our Bill Patalon spotted his next big find, and after "turning over some rocks," he realized the potential is very big. Here's Bill with the details on this "Smart Home Stock"... Full Story
IPO Watch This Company Could End the Global Water Crisis This small $400 million company's stock price is primed to jump a staggering 477% thanks to its latest technology - which will bring clean, drinkable water to 4 billion people. Click here to see it, and you'll automatically get all our future small-cap stock and IPO recommendations.
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