
What Your Weekend Plans Can Teach You About Your Next Profit  

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Power Profit Trades
Febuary 2, 2019

By February, 80% of People Drop Their New Year's Resolution to Make More Money...

Instead of falling into this same trap, you have the opportunity to follow America's #1 Pattern Trader Tom Gentile, as he shows you how you can make 1,000% total gains on his Flying Five picks. Don't miss out on your chance to make this year your most profitable one yet. You can find all the details here.

What Your Weekend Plans Can Teach You About Your Next Profit
by Tom Gentile

Dear Power Profit Trader,

So last weekend, my wife and I went to "A-Town" to visit my mother, brother, sister, and the extended family. It was as cold as I can remember in Atlanta, so inside events were on the menu.

Now, I am a sports guy and even though my wife isn't, we compromise for each other on weekend outings. Last weekend it was going to see some cheesy movie, so this go around, it was my time. So, off to the Hawks game we go. Now with 13 family and friends, it's hard to get seats together...

So, what is a trader to do? A limit order on a 16 person loft suite with food and drinks! So, let's break down the trade...

The buyer: yours truly...

The seller: Emory University

The price: not cheap

The outcome: priceless - and here's why.

I didn't buy the suite. I made a donation to Emory University in exchange for the tickets - now everybody wins! 1. I got the suite at a small discount to what it would have cost. 2. Emory University got a much needed donation, and 3. My family got a great night out with a private suite and VIP parking...

And the only thing I would change? I would take Uber. Getting anywhere near the stadium is a nightmare...

So, what have we learned?

Negotiating a weekend out is a lot like trading. You don't go for the first thing you see, you don't pay market price, and you make sure the transaction benefits both parties.

Well that's it for me, I am off to a Super Bowl Sunday Party- again, another week in my favor...

Now before I go, I want to check in on how your New Year's resolutions are going. By February, 80% of people typically drop their resolutions... But with so many of you having a chance to make more money - life changing money- in 2019, I want to make sure you're nowhere near that 80% crowd. And if you need an idea to get started - check out my flying five strategy. It's an easy way to have chances to make 1,000% total gains on five special trade recommendations, putting you in position to make this year what could be your most profitable one yet. You can find all the details right here.

I'll talk to you soon,

Tom Gentile
America's #1 Pattern Trader

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