
Each of these 3 dividend stocks will pay you over 7%

This is hands down the best sector in 2019...

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March 29, 2019

The 3 Best Energy Dividend Stocks as Oil Prices Surge

Dear VQScore Member,

Back on Jan. 24, we said, "The energy sector is going to be the best-performing asset class in 2019."

And I'm sticking to this prediction.

Up 30% year to date, crude oil is set for its biggest quarterly rise since 2009. And it's not slowing down anytime soon...

See, OPEC and Russia are continuing to cut daily production output by 1.2 million barrels per day. And the United States is still imposing heavy sanctions on oil exporters, Iran and Venezuela.

This lack of supply on the market will clearly drive oil prices even higher. So we used the Money Morning Stock VQScore™ to find three of the best energy dividend stocks to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

Along with rock-solid financials, each of these three stocks can easily deliver double-digit returns while paying you massive dividends north of 7%.

Here they are.


Kyle Anderson
Head of VQ Research

P.S. The yield curve inversion just created a huge opportunity for these three stocks.

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