
This REIT pays 12% (strong buy)

Profit even if volatility returns to the market...

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Money Morning eLetter Click here to access your top-25 ranked stocks!
February 29, 2019

This Is the Best REIT to Buy as Global Growth Slows

Dear VQScore Member,

Forecasts for global economic growth have dropped dramatically. The FOMC expects U.S. GDP growth to slow to 2.3% in 2019 (down from 3% in 2018). In 2020, it expects 2% and only 1.8% in 2021.

When growth slows, some of the safest investments are REITs. Not only will they provide solid returns - they're some of the best income producers on the market.

REITs are also one of the best stores of money when markets turn volatile (as they do on short notice).

Roughly half the nation's business economists now think the U.S. economy will slip into a recession by the end of next year. Three-fourths envision such a downturn beginning by the end of 2021.

Fortunately, the Money Morning Stock VQScore™ system just identified a REIT with our highest rating that will net you nearly 12% no matter what the market does.

Best of all, this REIT barely moved when the market sold off 14% during the last quarter of 2018. That's the kind of downside protection we love.

And we have history on our side, too...

Since 1980, REITs have generated annualized returns of 11.61%, compared to just 8.39% for the S&P 500.

That might not seem eye-popping at first, but think about this... If you invested $10,000 in both back in 1980, you'd have $213,594 from the S&P 500 and $649,707 from the REITs (more than three times the return).

Here's the next REIT that can bring similar returns no matter what the market does next...


Kyle Anderson
Head of VQ Research

P.S. Here's how to get ready for every China trade deal outcome.

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