Editor's Note: We are always on the lookout for the latest financial news to share with you. Below is information from Bonner & Partners that we found particularly insightful.
Casey Daily Dispatch Reader, On April 12th 2018, some disturbing findings—in a 220-page book—were mailed to the White House by a research firm in Florida. This book holds vast implications for this country, our economy, and Trump's hopes of being re-elected in 2020. The book comes from a 68 year old Maryland native, and counselor to governments, politicians, and businesses all over the world. He has worked on presidential campaigns and met with everyone from Margaret Thatcher to Ron Paul (a close friend), to most recently the former head of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan. The CEOs of two multi-million dollar financial research companies once credited their success almost entirely to knowing this man (and getting access to his wisdom). He once went to Eastern Europe to serve as an economic advisor after the fall of the Soviet Union. In Central America, he helped the Nicaraguan government bring medical care to the poor. They were so thankful that they made him their honorary consul to Europe. Back here in the US, he once used his wealth to buy up and renovate an entire section of his hometown. The mayor honored him with a city ambassadorship. | | The man at his mountain ranch Yet, if you asked him, he would downplay his own success and connections. As Worth Magazine once described him in a profile: "Meet Bill Bonner... a quiet and gentle man—idolized by staffers, liked and admired even by competitors... The sense of real begins with Bonner's earnestness... uncomfortable with the notion of success" On April 12th 2018 this same man sent a book to the White House. One brought on by a type of financial event not seen in this country since before the Civil War. This book is unlike anything you've seen before. Not only does it reveal some very uncomfortable truths about our economy like... -
The true cause of things like racism, drug use, and violence in our inner cities (you've never heard it spoken like this anywhere) -
How the Federal Reserve will begin to "nationalize" billions of financial and real assets like stocks and bonds (central banks in Japan are already doing this) -
And many more... It also contains unique ideas regular Americans can use to protect themselves from what's coming. Things like... -
11 gold and cash alternatives (and what to do if gold is confiscated like in 1933) -
How to store money (no paper trail) in an anonymous dollar account (without using Bitcoin or logging onto some website you can't trust). These actually are available at some pharmacies. -
The only legal way we know of to never pay taxes again to the federal government (it all depends on where you live) You will find the facts within this report truly incredible. They are all true. Fair warning: you may not be ready for what you're about to learn concerning the US economy... Washington... and a financial meltdown six times bigger than 2008... Sincerely, Will Bonner Co-founder, Bonner & Partners |