By Jeff Brown, editor, Exponential Tech Investor It’s been a turbulent year for equity markets… With the uncertainty around COVID-19, major U.S. indices experienced the worst crash in over a decade. The S&P 500 fell more than 33% in early spring. And even after a remarkable rally, the index is still down from its February high as I write this. Other well-known businesses were not so lucky. American Airlines, Carnival, and Hertz are down 60%, 70%, and 91%, respectively, on the year. Hertz even filed for bankruptcy after more than 100 years in business. With that sort of carnage, what I’m about to say next might sound shocking. But the pandemic has actually accelerated certain industries. And investors in a few key stocks are making a fortune in 2020. Here’s what I mean… Recommended Link | Obscure "Magic Window" System Helped Don T. Clear $74,300 BEFORE Breakfast*
"Jeff, thank you for the GREAT call on THOR! That banked me a profit of $74,300 before breakfast." Jeff Brown's newest venture is life-changing! 29 subscribers have written in already, reporting five- and six-figure profits. And it's all because of his unique new system, which spots winning early-stage stocks like clockwork. This week, Jeff Brown is sending out his newest BUY alert. If you want to learn how to be next in line for life-changing profits... Make sure to get in before midnight on Thursday, July 30th! * The investment results described in these testimonials are not typical; investing in securities carries a high degree of risk; you may lose some or all of the investment. | | -- | 313% in Seven Months 313%... That’s how much investors in Moderna (MRNA) have made since January. That’s right. Investors in this company have more than quadrupled their money in seven months. And this was during one of the worst pandemics in modern history.  How is this possible? Well, as we likely know, Moderna is a biotechnology company focused on something called “synthetic biology.” That’s the technology that allows scientists to engineer functioning biological organisms. For the most part, Moderna flew under the radar since the time of its IPO… until the pandemic broke out. It’s using synthetic biology to create a vaccine for COVID-19. It took the virus, sequenced it, and then designed a vaccine. It will hopefully produce immunity from COVID-19. In a matter of days, Moderna came out as a leading candidate for a vaccine. And its stock price has more than quadrupled. To see a synthetic biology company have a breakthrough like this, shows why it’s one of the areas of biotech I’m most excited about over the next decade. COVID-19 Has Changed the Game for Biotechnology I can’t emphasize enough how transformational this pandemic will be for the biotech industry. In the last 30 years, I’ve never seen the biotech industry come together and tackle a common problem as they have with COVID-19. That’s everything from companies that produce diagnostics equipment to confirm whether somebody has COVID-19 – or had COVID-19 – to all sorts of therapeutic approaches… in order to produce either a vaccine or a therapy for it. That’s as well as evaluating existing drugs that have been used for decades to see if they can be repurposed in the pandemic. It’s been extraordinary. And it’s shone a light on the biotech industry. People didn’t realize how quickly the industry could move. Especially with the more advanced biotechnologies like synthetic biology and genetic engineering. These are being used to put potential candidates together in just a matter of months. The process of drug discovery typically takes years. This is the first time we’ve seen that this can happen in months. In some cases, candidates were developed in a matter of days using modern techniques for drug discovery. This has completely changed the game. Because of how much progress has been made in such a short time, I predict we’re going to see record levels of investment in biotechnology. That’s going to create even more exciting investment opportunities for people interested in this space. But before you “throw a dart” at any biotech stock, there are a few things investors should know… Understanding Biotech Investing For starters, some of the most exciting companies in this space are private. I tend to track these companies from early on... sometimes as early as their seed venture capital round. I follow their subsequent capital raises. And I keep a close eye on when I think the most exciting companies, with the most exciting therapeutic approaches, are going to go public. There is a group of high-quality venture capital (VC) and private equity investors I track every week. They’re always good indicators of potentially exciting companies. And there’s one more important rule about investing in the biotech markets… Recommended Link | This Revolutionary Tech IS the #1 Investment of the Century Former hedge fund manager, Teeka Tiwari, believes this new technology will be the No. 1 Investment of the Century. CNBC reports it will be: “The biggest thing since the internet itself.” And the World Economic Forum predicts it will grow 279,000% over the next few years. It’s NOT 5G, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, or cryptocurrency. If you want to know exactly what it is – and how you can claim a stake in it with as little as $10… Watch this short video now. | | -- | Biotech Is Catalyst-Driven Another important thing to know about this market is that biotechnology companies move on catalysts… on news. That can be a presentation at a medical conference on September 20 at exactly 2 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. It can be at 4:30 p.m. on the East Coast, when a company announces its earnings. The biotech industry lives and thrives off these specific moments in time. They are related to earnings calls… or papers they’re presenting at conferences… or filings with the FDA… or clinical trial results. I’ll give you one example. This company is Akero Therapeutics (AKRO). I recommended this stock to my readers in January. This was a company I had been tracking closely even before its IPO. And I knew that Akero was on the verge of releasing results for its Phase 2a clinical trial of AKR-001 in NASH (Non-Alcoholic SteatoHepatitis) patients. Sure enough, the trial results were positive. The stock popped in June. We held on for a few more days and ultimately locked in gains of 87%.  Here’s what some of my readers had to say about the trade… Hi Jeff, This is the first sell alert for me. I locked in gains of $6,600 in seven months. I am pleased with this… I own all three of your services and am up $125,000 if I sold today. Thanks for your great advice and sharing your knowledge. I am looking forward to your new venture! – Karen N. I made a gain of +$4,322. I’m looking forward to the next moneymaker. Thanks so much for your motivation to “help the little guy.” – Frank S. I’m pleased to inform you that this first trade has paid for my lifetime membership! I invested $5,016.00 and sold for $8,066.66. Now, let’s keep the momentum going! – Dan S. As great as this trade was, it’s on the lower side for biotech trades. Last year, my readers locked in gains of 432% in under two months with Synthorx (THOR). The important thing to understand is that investing in the right biotechs, at the right time, can lead to incredible gains in a matter of days or even hours. And I believe I’ve spotted the next big biotech winner. It’s a little-known biotechnology stock with the potential to soar as much as 1,000% in a single day. I’d like to tell you more about this biotech stock. I hope you join me for my free biotechnology masterclass on August 5 at 8 p.m. ET. During this free event, I’ll take you to the epicenter of biotech innovation: Cambridge Massachusetts, home to MIT. And I’ll also reveal details about this stock that’s set to soar up to 1,000% in as little as one day. If investors only ever buy one biotech stock, it needs to be this one. Go right here to reserve your spot. Regards, Jeff Brown Editor, Exponential Tech Investor  Like what you’re reading? Send your thoughts to In Case You Missed It… The FASTEST and LARGEST Gains in Stock Market History (Thanks to Uncle Sam) On Wednesday, August 5, at 8 PM ET, Jeff Brown will reveal the details on a millionaire-making opportunity. A rare situation that almost never takes place… but when it does, it can unlock the fastest and largest gains in stock market history. It’s literally possible to see up to 1,000% gains in 1 day. Extraordinary gains like: -
TGTX: 566% -
AMAR: 600% -
NBY: 875% -
ATNM: 900% -
BSEM: 1,130% -
HROW: 1,288% And now, Jeff says it’s about to happen again. This involves a government mandate. RSVP today, and Jeff will tell you everything… including how to learn the ticker symbol of the one small-cap biotech that could start to soar up to 1,000%... Within 12 months, it could turn a tiny stake into a nest egg. Click Here to RSVP  |