
Goldmining - THE Gold & Royalty Double Play


Warren Buffett compares buying royalties to owning a toll booth.

Once you've got it, you're getting paid every time someone passes through.

In the mining sector it is no different.

You can own the assets or get a stake at the royalties from future production.

Goldmining (GOLD:TSX and GLDLF:OTC) has recently created a fully owned subsidiary company GRC (Gold Royalty Corp).

It holds royalties on 14 of their gold projects.

In August they appointed a few heavy hitters to run GRC.

  • David Garofalo is the new Chairman, President and CEO of GRC. He is the former CEO of Multibillion Dollar - GoldCorp (until its merger with Newmont in 2019 which made it world's largest gold producer).
  • Next, they appointed Warren Gilman as director. He is the former Chairman and CEO of CEF Holdings Ltd, a global mining investment company owned 50% by Mr. Li Ka-shing (One of the world's richest men).

To put these into context.

The former head of one of the largest gold companies in the world and the former head of one of the largest mining investment companies in the world have come onboard.

This is BIG news and since the announcements, the market has responded and the stock is up nearly 30%.

Another reason can be explained by legendary resources investor Doug Casey, who had this to say about Goldmining:


"GoldMining Inc. is a tremendous acquisition candidate for a major mining company at this point"

Goldmining's team scooped up their assets during the last gold bear market and waited patiently for the tides to turn.
Here's what you need to know…


Gold and gold stocks are moving fast.

And it looks like this breather in the surging gold price is providing another buying opportunity.

We are in the early stages of a legendary gold bull market cycle.

And owning the RIGHT gold companies can give you amazing leverage in rising gold markets.

To see why Doug Casey, Rick Rule, Marin Katusa, IAMGOLD, and Brasilinvest Group are bullish on GoldMining please read our full report here:


Jay Martin,
CEO - Cambridge House International

Notice to Readers: Cambridge House publishes corporate profiles based on its assessment of the interest that its readers will have in them. Cambridge House is paid a fee by each corporation profiled. Cambridge house principals may from time to time buy and sell securities in the profiled corporations.   Opinions expressed in this profile as they relate to the potential for projects, expectations about possible corporate spin-offs and potential for share appreciation are the personal opinions of the principals of Cambridge House.  This profile is not intended to be a prospectus or other similar disclosure document and Cambridge House cannot assume responsibility for its accuracy or completeness. Cambridge House is a publisher, not an investment advisor and nothing in the profile should be interpreted as investment advice. Full disclosure of GoldMining's business and projects, including risk factors relating to the corporation and its business can be found at www.sedar.com. Paulo Pereira, President of GoldMining, is the Qualified Person whose responsibility for this profile is limited to factual geo-technical matters only including the discussions of geological targets, deposit grades, and resource estimates.
See GoldMining's Annual Information Form for the year ended November 30, 2019 (which can be found here) and the individual project technical reports referenced therein and available on SEDAR for important information on each project.
Comparable analysis is for perspective only and is a common mythology by analysts.  Mineral resources across different jurisdictions and projects are not necessarily apple to apple comparison since each project has its own unique characteristics

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