Warren Buffett compares buying royalties to owning a toll booth. Once you've got it, you're getting paid every time someone passes through. In the mining sector it is no different. You can own the assets or get a stake at the royalties from future production. Goldmining (GOLD:TSX and GLDLF:OTC) has recently created a fully owned subsidiary company GRC (Gold Royalty Corp). It holds royalties on 14 of their gold projects. In August they appointed a few heavy hitters to run GRC. - David Garofalo is the new Chairman, President and CEO of GRC. He is the former CEO of Multibillion Dollar - GoldCorp (until its merger with Newmont in 2019 which made it world's largest gold producer).
- Next, they appointed Warren Gilman as director. He is the former Chairman and CEO of CEF Holdings Ltd, a global mining investment company owned 50% by Mr. Li Ka-shing (One of the world's richest men).
To put these into context. The former head of one of the largest gold companies in the world and the former head of one of the largest mining investment companies in the world have come onboard. This is BIG news and since the announcements, the market has responded and the stock is up nearly 30%. Another reason can be explained by legendary resources investor Doug Casey, who had this to say about Goldmining: "GoldMining Inc. is a tremendous acquisition candidate for a major mining company at this point" Goldmining's team scooped up their assets during the last gold bear market and waited patiently for the tides to turn. Here's what you need to know… |