Have you ever felt the pain from unhedged positions that were going against you, either up or down?
It doesn't matter about market direction, if you are positioned the wrong way, you'll feel the pain [in choppy, uncertain markets or during extreme market uncertainty] …
But there are two things that ease pain like nothing else: aspirin and options.
Options are not only for income and profit generation but were originally designed for hedging, so let's put them to work.
And there's no better time than now to not only learn about income selling strategies but also how they can be used to HEDGE….
With this amazing upside market move you need to know how to Lock in Profits and Cap Your Downside Exposure!
If you're ready, then make sure not to miss my Special, Live and Interactive, Webinar this Saturday, September 5th at 11 AM ET, on the Top '8' Option Income-Selling Strategies, designed for Income, Profits and HEDGING….
['8' Option Income - Selling Strategies] Every Trader & Investor Needs to Know Encore Event
And if you don't know how to HEDGE, you're a trading accident waiting to happen…
At this live event I'll share their trading benefits and [how, why and when to use them] so you can get a feel for which strategy may work best for you…
- Covered Calls
- *Protective Collar [HEDGING]*
- *Risk Reversal Option Spread*
- Vertical Credit Spreads
- Iron Condor Spreads
- Butterfly Spreads
- *Calendar Spreads*
- *Calendar Diagonal Spreads [Buying Options at a Discount
I'll show you the strategies used for Hedging and a unique option strategy that provides an unmatched 'TIMING' EDGE' that allows a stock to generate income during any sideways market action but STILL be positioned for 'Big Gains' once the stock makes its move.
Getting paid while you wait!
Correctly used this directional, option income strategy can provide your trading portfolio trades with a high winning probability over time.
And it has been one of our favorites for this market environment with a winning trade rate of over 85% as you'll see this Saturday.
This no cost option workshop is for traders or investors who have been seeking Option Trading Strategies that can generate more consistent profits and also be used to lock in your trading or investing profits…
And it's interactive so bring on your trading questions and I'll see you this Saturday!
Trade safe and smart and may you and your family stay well and safe.