
Are you forfeiting your seat?

Emergency urgent announcement!

You need to buy this stock before the market closes today.

As I'm sure you know, we just released our first-ever crypto trading service because of the coming crypto explosion set to happen this July...

And right away the stock market showed us how right we were.

As predicted, certain tech companies started to benefit from their involvement with crypto.

And even though the media missed this story

The smart money didn't. Which means they're still buying...

And right now, one trade, in particular, is getting ready to explode overnight.

The technology this company uses is absolutely essential to keeping cryptocurrencies running.

It just got a whole lot of attention because of China's drawback on Bitcoin.

And -- thanks to the July Crypto Convergence we told you about yesterday -- it just got listed on the Russell 2000 because of all the money pouring into it.

Adam is so adamant about making sure you don't get left behind…

He's hosting a LIVE emergency broadcast this afternoon at 1 pm to give you the ticker (and the options trade) you should buy today -- before the market closes!

Absolutely FREE.

And get ready to buy into what could be a quick double-digit win from the surge in cryptocurrencies happening right now.

Talk soon,
Joy of the Trade
A MarketWealth Publication
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The information in this email is intended for informational purposes only and does not guarantee specific results as there is a high degree of risk involved with trading. Also, our traders are real traders and may have financial interests in the companies discussed. Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.

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