
U.S. Dollar Goes “Woke” – Washington and Lincoln to Vanish From. | 1 December

December 01, 2021

Space Finances

Here's an important message from one of our colleagues:

Dear Reader,

It's hard to believe but true…

A new U.S. dollar is being rolled out – and it doesn't look anything like the money we grew up with.

Perhaps the biggest shock is – it will not feature Washington, Lincoln, or any U.S. Founding Father.

How could this happen?

And what could it mean for the future of our money?

As you'll see, a major tech firm is planning to issue a competing form of the dollar. 

The Economist calls this trend, "the next big thing."

And widely followed tech executive and angel investor, Jeff Brown says the consequences could be profound.

"This is not just a cosmetic change," he says. "It's a plan to take over the production of money. And it's all happening in broad daylight."

And he adds while most people have no idea what is going on, this story will soon become impossible to ignore.

For the full details on this stunning story the media refuses to cover, click here.

