#1 Biotech Stock to invest in Fellow Investor, The challenge in treating Alzheimer's isn't the lack of drugs. It's that you can't get those drugs to reach the brain. You see, the Blood-Brain-Barrier stops 100% of large-molecule drugs from getting to the brain. Small-molecule drugs only fare slightly better. 98% can't make it past the Blood-Brain-Barrier. Nature does this in order to protect the brain. So the question is - How do we ever cure Alzheimer's when our drugs can't even reach the brain? On October 29, 2013, a Jeff Bezos-backed biotech had a radical idea: to employ a "drug smuggler" to help cross the blood-brain-barrier. Big Pharma giants Biogen, Genentech and Sanofi were so stunned when it worked, they spent $1 billion for the rights to the treatment. Never before has so much money invested in a single company so quickly. Jim Cramer estimates this breakthrough would create the "Biggest Drug in the World." We think this stock could rise 10,000% - if it's not taken over first. There's just no way Big Pharma would let this company stay independent. Pfizer, Novartis and Johnson & Johnson make billions selling Alzheimer's drugs each year. They have the most to lose. It's too much of a threat to their business. That's why this tiny biotech is my #1 Biotech Stock for October. "The Buck Stops Here,"
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