
Important research inside this email for you

If you want to get an advantage over everyone else this holiday, I suggest…

A lot of talking heads will be giving you long winded explanations of "summer trading" right about now.

They'll tell you about low volume in the stock market…what hedge funds are doing… how the financials of companies change during the summer…

And on and on they will go.

But what they likely won't tell you is something actionable.

Like, for example, the 3 stocks that seem to always go up during this stretch of time.

In fact, my team just put the research on my desk and these 3 stocks aren't just steady summer names…

They've gone up from the end of June through mid July 10 years in a row.

Now, I personally don't like to get too hot…

That's why I am in Colorado instead of Naples for the summer.

But I sure do like these stocks that have been absolutely on fire during this time span.


And I can't wait to share them with you during this special presentation.

Trade Well,




Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

