Upcoming Virtual Event: IBD presents Top Traders Live 🎙️
Discover the secrets to sound investing from some of the best traders in the business––register IBD's free Top Traders Live online workshop on 10/7.
Free event: Learn how elite investors trade stocks and options.
At IBD®, we’re always looking for new perspectives on investing. Now, we’ve partnered with some of the most innovative and insightful traders around to host an all-new online workshop that’s all about stocks and options–and generating bigger returns.
(@jfahmy) of Zor Capital will open the event with an in-depth look at the current market and examine the behavior of leading stocks.
Adam Sarhan
(@adamsarhan), who wrote the book on Psychological Analysis (literally), will discuss how to use it to improve your trading.
Nick Drendel
(@nickdrendel on YouTube) will demonstrate how keeping a journal of your trades and performing post-analysis can help identify and mitigate missteps.
Ivan Ivanov
(@ivanhoff2) will share strategies for swing trading options, as well as the pros and cons.
Ali Sabounchi
(InvestrTrades on YouTube) will speak about technical patterns and how his “pocket strategy” can be used in MarketSmith.
Dr. Thomas Carr
(@DrStoxx) of Befriend The Trend Trading will examine how to find leading stocks under $15.
Brian Shannon
(@alphatrends), founder of AlphaTrends and a technical analysis wizard, will dive into multiple timeframe analysis and anchored VWAP.
Register today to save your spot for this exciting new event from Investor’s Business Daily–it’s free to attend and packed full of actionable information.