
We're All Customers of This Multitrillion-Dollar Industry

Pliny the Elder believed in the power of pee...
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We're All Customers of This Multitrillion-Dollar Industry

Pliny the Elder believed in the power of pee.

According to the renowned Roman scholar, the right urine could treat sores, whiten your teeth, cure gout, and more.

So when desperate women asked Pliny to cure their infertility, he had a whole menu that he'd recommend they drink.

Horse, bull, or boar urine would do the trick, Pliny concluded. So would the pee of a eunuch.

Later treatments advanced beyond Pliny's first-century advice. In later centuries of the Roman Empire, goatskin-clad priests would run through the streets during the festival of Lupercalia, striking women's stomachs with whips.

In medieval times, women would remove the testicles from a male pig, dry them out, and grind them down to a powder. They would then mix that powder with their wine and drink. Or they'd eat the reproductive organs of other animals.

Thankfully, we've moved on from the days of using pig testicles and eunuch urine to cure what ails us...

Every day, new technology is being used to help us live longer, healthier lives. And we're learning more about treating – and maybe one day curing – ailments like cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and heart disease.

And all of us will be customers of the $4 trillion health care industry.

Demand in the sector will only increase as medical science makes advances we could only dream about. And COVID-19 was another catalyst for medical innovation.

The technology available today will be embraced and deployed across the spectrum of care. That creates an unstoppable investment opportunity. With the U.S. population growing older, the need for health care is only going to increase.

In my Prosperity Investor newsletter, we cover everything from advancements in genetic understanding to accelerating drug development to the new "digital" health care revolution.

If you haven't seen my presentation where I explain why now is the time to invest – not only in health care but in your personal health as well – I urge you to watch it while it's still available.

Click here to watch it now.

Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,

Dr. David Eifrig and the Health & Wealth Bulletin Research Team
June 1, 2024

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Reader question of the week...

Q: You mentioned to stop using margarine. What about plant-based margarine such as Earth Balance? Is it harmful? – E.H.

A: Plant-based or vegan butters and margarine are kissing cousins. The only difference is that margarine might have traces of dairy, while plant-based butter doesn't. Otherwise, both are blends of various vegetable or nut oils and water, with thickeners and flavorings to make the whole concoction solid and taste like butter. They're both processed foods that I avoid or use sparingly.

If you're allergic to dairy, sure, vegan butter is your answer instead of margarine or regular butter. But there's an even better solution: extra-virgin olive oil.

I'm a die-hard fan of this liquid gold. My go-to fat will always be cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil. It's chock-full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids – more than margarine and plant-based butters.

I suggest trying an extra-virgin olive oil made of Arbequina olives for a buttery, mellow taste if you're not a fan of the slightly bitter, peppery flavor in most olive oils. It's great drizzled on toast.

A mashed avocado can also substitute for butter on toast... An avocado is a spreadable, creamy topper loaded with monounsaturated fats and brimming with nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. That beats out any plant-based butter or margarine.

Keep sending your questions, comments, and suggestions our way. We read every e-mail... feedback@healthandwealthbulletin.com.

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