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It's official. 

Today marked the 1,000th reply we've 
got from you guys regarding this trading

==> See here now.

As a thank you we thought it'd be nice to 
compile a list of the main issues at hand 
so those of you not in the loop (I don't 
know how that's still possible) can see
what's been happening. 

Most common subjects:

1) Thanks for the recommendation!
2) Am I allowed to share this with friends?
3) Can I secure my future upgrades now? 
4) Where do I make my donation? 
5) Is this for real?!

So in a nutshell here's what we think: 

1) You're WELCOME!
2) Share all you like, but it's expiring soon!
3) Future upgrades are FREE my friend ;)
4) No donation needed, your words are enough. 
5) It's as real as it gets. 

Again a huge thankyou for all of your kind 
words. We appreciate it and hope to help
you with more of the same in the near future.

<<< Click Here Now >>>

Michael Jones

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