
Checking in: 5 bonus strategies

Checking in: 5 bonus strategies

Corona Del Mar, CA


Howdy !


During Christmas, I gave away 5 strategies that use ETF Mispricing data for signals.


I want to check in and discuss some recent signals, and the lessons you can learn from other's mistakes.


The multi-strategy (combining all 5 together) is at all-time highs:

Each strategy trades in a single stock or ETF, and is occasionally in an inverse ETF to profit from declines.


LRCX: +30.3%

AAPL: +10%

Dow 1x: 0.0%

AMD: 1.4%

NASDAQ 1x: 17.4%


I'll tell you something very interesting about their current holdings in just a minute...


...first, let's talk about a lesson with Apple.


There was a great deal of chatter about AAPL's under-performance earlier this year.


Traders who don't test believed the under-performance relative to the S&P 500 would continue so they were shorting it.


Jim Simons made billions by buying under-performance (and simultaneously shorting the S&P 500). He and his crew of scientists actually did the hard work of testing how markets work using computers.


They observed -- as have I -- that stocks revert to their mean more often than not. It's a phenomena that came into being with the advent of index futures in the 80's.


At first the AAPL strategy was down for the year, then it caught the big mean reversion trade, sending the strategy up 10% on the year:

I've been observing very low participation from most stocks this year. The AI boom has been sucking up investor cash -- and rightfully so. AGI and Super-intelligence are coming sooner than expected. A "Manhattan Project" for the race to AGI is very likely in the works.


However, there will be a time when these stocks get over-cooked and money rotates out of AI-infrastructure and into everyday stocks. Eventually, their earnings will increase due to the AI infrastructure being built out. In other words, we'll see mean reversion and a majority of stocks will finally participate.


Speaking of which, 3 of the 5 strategies are currently in inverse ETFs (SH and DOG).


That is unusual.


Can you guess which ones?


If you don't yet have the Portfolio Boss app (PC or Mac with Parallels), I've arranged it for it to be "Christmas in June." You can grab all 5 of these proven strategies during your 30-day trial for $1 through this Friday.


Grab 'em here:



Trade smart,


Dan "Prince of Proof" Murphy

















Portfolio Boss, Inc.

260 Newport Center Dr, Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660


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