
CoPilot goes LIVE one more time

11 AM ET - See you tomorrow!
CoPilot goes LIVE one more time

Thanks to a little known trend + my brand new Copilot trading suite…

Every Monday hands us consistent trading opportunities!

Take a look at this chart… It shows the average daily returns of the S&P 500:


See how Monday is the only down day and all of the other days are UP?

That's because Monday has historically been a "rebalancing day" for the markets.

You see, companies like to release bad news on Friday after the market is closed…

But on Monday, Wall Street reacts to the news by adjusting their positions…

Often selling the stocks they don't like…

Causing the share price to drop like a rock all day long!

That's why Graham Lindman and I have decided to hold one FINAL LIVE SESSION tomorrow at 11:00 AM Eastern…

To hand attendees the top Copilot Stocks to BUY on the Monday dip…

With the intention to ride them all higher!

RSVP here for our final live session to receive our top Copilot Stocks to BUY.

See you tomorrow at 11:00 AM Eastern.

In your corner,
Chuck Hughes
Chuck Hughes

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This email was sent to its028@gmail.com by chuck@tradewins.com

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