
FWD: Did you forget?

Hi Reader,

Just wanted to follow up on my message from yesterday.

If you've already claimed your copy of my groundbreaking new profit report Six Cannabis Stocks Poised to Dish Out Up to +1,000% in 2024 – please disregard this message.

If you're seeing this message it means I haven't received your final "okay" to send my report to you…

Maybe investing in pot stocks isn't in your wheelhouse, or maybe you are just not ready to make a move right now...

Regardless, I don't want to waste your time or mine (especially considering how time-sensitive these picks are).

But I couldn't sleep soundly tonight if I didn't reach out one last time to make sure you knew exactly what you were walking away from.


In 2016, when Trump took on Hillary, pot stock investors had a shot at gains of 746%, 1,738%, even 9,900%!

In 2020, Biden squared up with Trump and a select group of pot stocks soared up to 2,768%.

Imagine turning $1,000 into a new Harley… or fully funding your favorite grandkid's college degree… from just a handful of pot stocks.

The election has kicked into high gear… and that's the exact opportunity on the table today.

The heat is on… and the profits have already started rolling in. All that's left is for you to stake your claim in these 6 pot stocks primed and ready to rake in 1,000%+ gains.

— John

From: John Persinos

Subject: 6 stocks... 1,000% gains… just one more click is all it takes


Dear Investor,

Earlier you were invited to witness firsthand the massive profit potential coming down the pike thanks to this year's election.

But it looks like we got disconnected before I could give you the full story behind the 6 stocks I see taking the lion's share of the profits… and handing out gains of 1,000% or more to bold investors ready to make a move.

But there's still one step left…. I need your final OK.

The second I have that, every ounce of information you need to take action today (including the trade instructions and tickers) will be in your inbox.

Remember, last time they took off, a handful of pot stocks soared 752%... 960%... and even 1,023%.

And every day you wait to make a move… are dollars left on the table.

Click here to make sure this year's pot stock profits go straight to your pocket instead.

To your wealth,

John Persinos

Chief Investment Strategist

Marijuana Profit Alert

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