
These 6 handpicked pot stocks are ready to rocket

Investing Daily

Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket


These 6 handpicked pot stocks are ready to rocket

There's a little-known connection between pot stocks and Washington that could put a lot of money in your pocket this year. Every election, a small group of cannabis stocks soar upwards of +1,000%... delivering more gains in a year than most investors see in a decade. In 2016, they shot up 746%... 944%... 1,738%... and even a staggering 9,900%. In 2020 they took off and delivered gains of 882%... 960%... 1,023%... 1,261%... 2,426% and higher. Now they're taking off again. And we've just pinpointed the 6 stocks set to see the biggest gains - Details here.

Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

By John Persinos


Investing through direct investment plans (also known as dividend reinvestment plans, or DRIPs) greatly reduces risk, because these plans make it feasible to build holdings over an extended period in a diversified portfolio of stocks.

You can deploy other risk mitigation tactics in combination with DRIPs, as I explain below.

The beauty of DRIP investing is that you can spread risk among a variety of companies and commit your money among various price points. In addition, you get more value for your investment dollar and eliminate brokers.

More than 1,300 companies offer direct investment plans, many of them brand name icons. Plans vary with each company, but generally they make the process easy.

Once investors are enrolled in a company's DRIP, they can make additional investments by sending funds to the transfer agent with the tear-off portion of the statement that's sent after each investment. Investments can be as small as $25 and as much as $10,000. Investments can be sent by check, money order or even by automatic withdrawal from the investor's bank account.

Eliminating the Emotional Factor

DRIPs make it easier to avoid impulsive investment decisions. Market volume tends to increase at market tops and bottoms, pushing prices too far in either direction.

When everyone likes a stock, you want to own it, too. When prices plummet, you want out and so does everyone else. That's why many people buy at the top and sell at the bottom. DRIP investing helps you win this battle with your emotions.

Since you only need one share to qualify to join most DRIPs, they facilitate a widely diversified portfolio of companies in a variety of industries. Because DRIPs accept small investments, you can afford to send money regularly to buy more shares.

That strategy (dollar-cost averaging, or DCA) helps impose discipline on investing. You decide in advance how many dollars you intend to invest, and how often. You can continue adhering to this schedule, regardless of the market price of your shares at any one time.

Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is considered a shrewd investment tactic for several reasons:

Reduces Impact of Volatility. By investing a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, DCA helps to spread out purchases over time, reducing the risk of making a large investment at an inopportune moment. This can help to mitigate the effects of market volatility.

Avoids Market Timing. DCA removes the need to time the market, which is notoriously difficult even for professional investors. Instead of trying to predict the best times to buy, investors commit to making regular investments regardless of market conditions.

Psychological Benefits. DCA can help to reduce the emotional strain of investing, particularly during market downturns. Knowing that you are investing consistently over time can provide peace of mind and help to avoid panic selling. 


These 5 picks put you on the path towards $500k

Give me just 10 minutes and I'll show you all the jaw-dropping details I've uncovered behind the next generation of investing… and why NOW is the best time to make your move… No games, no gimmicks… just a very real chance to rake in up to $500k in the next 12 months - from these 5 'off the radar' opportunities.

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