
Start the New Year with the biggest, fastest profits you've ever seen

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JANUARY 02, 2019
Kent's Readers Celebrate Holidays with a Chance at a Massive 1,000% Gain (Here's How You Can Join Them)
Last week's miraculous mid-week market comeback has investors breathing huge sighs of relief. But Kent Moors' Energy Inner Circle subscribers are celebrating a truly epic win. They just had the opportunity to close out on an incredible QUADRUPLE-DIGIT WIN! If you missed the boat on this, don't fret. He's got another insider secret that could multiply your money 10 times over. Learn more here.
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Perfect Timing

There's no time like right now to give yourself a shot at regular, massive gains...

Start the New Year Right... with the Biggest Profits You've Ever Seen
By Tom Gentile, Options Trading Specialist, Money Morning

Editor's Note: We're sharing this "quick-start" guide with you because 2019 promises to be a wild year. As you'll soon learn, every single one-point or more swing in the market is a chance to potentially double your money... IF you're following Tom's Alpha-9 research recommendations (learn more). Here's how to get started trading from the ground up...

You're here... about to secure a much brighter financial future.

In fact, simply reading this means you're well on your way.

You've decided to do something that most investors are too afraid to consider - and for all the wrong reasons: trading.

The funny thing is... trading is easy. And the advantages speak for themselves: lower cost, lower risk, and greater potential gains.

But before you're ready to trade, you've got to actually open your trading account.

Now, you may already have one - say, a retirement account, such as an IRA or a 401(k). What you may not know is that you can trade in your retirement account. So if you'd like to use your retirement account to trade, you've got it made - just contact your broker to get your account converted for trading. (Read on - I'll show everyone how to get clearance in a minute.)

And if you don't already have one or would prefer using a separate account for trading, here's how to do it.

Let's get started - it couldn't be easier... Full Story

New Opportunity

This Rocket-Science Revolution Could Make You a Millionaire in 12 Months
By Tom Gentile, Options Trading Specialist, Money Morning

I've recently unveiled my most powerful (and successful) trading secret to the world: Alpha-9.

It's a system that could potentially make you a millionaire in 12 months - or less.

That's practically no time flat, but my Alpha-9 didn't just "happen" overnight.

It took nine years and two of the world's most well-respected scientists to develop a tool that could deliver the kind of gains Alpha-9 can.

And these two scientists that helped me develop this AI breakthrough aren't short on credentials. Their techniques come from years of working for NASA and one of the top-ranked military technology software companies in the world.

By using a proprietary algorithm, Alpha-9 detects only the biggest, profit-turning moves in the market. Supported by years of back-testing and historical patterns - this AI breakthrough delivers only the most lucrative opportunities regardless of which way the market turns.

And let's face it - the most surefire way to be a successful trader is to find systems that provide discrete entries and exits - and that work!

That's all the more reason why you need to learn all about Alpha-9 if you haven't already done so. Just think - you could be a millionaire by this time next year.

Click here to find out everything you need to know about this breakthrough AI technology.

Pot Stock Investing

Marijuana Mergers 101: What You Need to Know
A recent frenzy of M&A activity in legal cannabis' already rapidly growing, high-profit sector has prompted us to take a close look at what's happening. That's why we're bringing you everything you need to know about how powerful these pot deals could be in 2019... Full Story

D.R. Barton, Jr.

We're Handing You the Easiest Way to Beat 2019's Market
Although the markets look pretty rough right now, the good news is you can make money no matter what happens next. Here's a detailed look at how the markets could shape up and the surefire way you can continue to make money in the New Year... Full Story

Must See

For 50 Years, This Has Been Coming Out of Your Paycheck
Around 50 years ago, Congress amended a law known as the Public Buildings Act of 1959. Never heard of it? Neither had we... until very recently, when our team began this in-depth investigation. And it led us to an $11.1 billion fortune that's quietly hiding out at the Treasury Department. Details...

Nova-X Report (Premium Content)

Here's Your 2019 Tech Forecast
2018 may have been rough for most investors, but not us. Out of our 22 open positions, 17 are in the green, and we're up 40% overall. That's why Michael's confident you'll smash that success in 2019 for a number of reasons. Here's his New Year outlook... Full Story

Private Briefing (Premium Content)

It's About Time You Joined the "Smart-Money Crowd"
Today, our Bill Patalon's bringing you Special Situation Strategist Tim Melvin's first podcast, called "Dumb Markets, Smart Money." In this first episode, Tim and Bill want to show you how to put "stock-targeting technology" to good use in the New Year... Watch Now

Tech Watch

This Tech Stock Could Hand You a 500% Gain
Bring home gains of 518% with this "Internet of Things" pure play. Click here to see it, and you'll automatically get real-time "Tech Watch" Profit Alerts updates straight to your inbox as soon as they're released.

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