
This man broke Wall Street's "code of silence"

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Fast Profits with Money Morning
January 02, 2019

Dear Fast Profits Member,

Your Fast Profits expert Keith Fitz-Gerald is refreshingly free of Wall Street's nasty grip.

And that means as an independent market watcher, he can provide better, more accurate, and - most importantly - more profitable information for you.

In contrast to most analysts who hide behind client notes in their ivory towers, he does it in public and on the record every single time.

Like when he spoke on national television about Facebook Inc. (which he likes to call a "bug in search of a windshield") and suggested Mark Zuckerberg be fired over his poor handling of its recent data-breach scandal.

Sure enough, just a few days later, one of the company's major shareholders filed for that exact action. They wanted to officially oust Zuck as chair.

Those who listened to him got out at the right time. Facebook stock nosedived more than 19% that day - wiping out all of 2018's gains and then some.

But I want to admit something to you... Keith is so good at what he does because he knows exactly what happens on Wall Street...

For years, he was identifying complex patterns in the markets and then using them to legally "skim" billions of dollars in profits every single day - for entire nations, wealth funds, and massive corporations.

He was part of the team behind the curtains pulling the strings for Wall Street. More so than any politician or even president.

For far too long, he was required to adhere to a strict code of secrecy - and his work was guarded under top-secret, military-grade security.

But he recently spoke out and broke Wall Street's "code of silence" in this short video.

In fact, he exposed its most powerful weapon and showed individuals how they could benefit from the same type of tools he had developed to create billions and trillions of dollars of wealth.

Click here to watch it now.

Talk to you soon,

Kerri Shannon
Publisher, Fast Profits with Money Morning

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