
He went from making $8,000 a year to being a multimillionaire (here's how)

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Money Morning Profit Alerts
The Pattern That Turned a Home Depot Clerk into a Millionaire

This man isn't your ordinary stock-market millionaire... but 30 years ago, he discovered something that changed EVERYTHING for him and his family. He called it the Money Calendar - and as he puts it, "It's like shooting fish in a barrel." In fact, you can watch him become $15,000 richer in under a minute - LIVE on camera. This is something you need to see for yourself...

Don't Listen to the Antitrust Noise: How to Profit from the Attack on Big Tech
While regulators continue their fruitless pursuit of Big Tech regulations, you can take advantage of the legalities with this one simple trading trick. And with these top tech contenders, your low-risk payday could be just around the corner. Click here to read more and to automatically get "unstoppable" investing tips from Total Wealth Research.

These 3 Penny Stocks Can Turn the Inverted Yield Curve into 650% Profits
The math doesn't lie: Energy penny stocks regularly beat the market in situations just like these. Our top penny-stock recommendation could more than septuple your money. Think it sounds too good to be true? Read more to see for yourself.

[TRENDING] Two Angel Investors Share Their "1,000X Formula" for Finding Unicorn Startups
Robert Herjavec and Neil Patel are two of the most successful angel investors on the planet. Today, they're walking everyone through their "1,000X Formula" for finding the most successful startup investments - the ones with unicorn potential. With this formula at your disposal... investing in startups is about to get a whole lot easier. (In fact, you can act now with as little as $50.) Click here to learn more.

This All-Star Athlete Has Joined One of Our Favorite Pot Stocks
Our top cannabis stocks in 2019 were already giving off major "buy" signals, but one could be getting another boost from a well-known hockey celebrity. A four-time Stanley Cup champion has just partnered with one of our favorite marijuana retailers, meaning a breakout could be just around the corner. Click here to see it and to get the rest of our top 2019 cannabis stock selections.

This Private Prison REIT Is Handing Out a Jaw-Dropping 10% Dividend
One high-yield detention center REIT is cashing in on a "market inefficiency." Recent controversy over U.S. private prisons has driven this stock's dividend through the roof. Click here to see it before it jumps up to its true value...

What Is Going On in the Middle Kingdom and How It Could Be Affecting You...
The U.S. markets have shaken off the controversy in Hong Kong, but investors wonder if the stock rally will last. Money Morning Chief Investment Strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald is giving his favorite stocks to profit if Xi Jinping resumes trade negotiations... and a few that could break out if he doesn't. Full Story...

Being a Millionaire Starts with Your Mindset, Not Your Wallet

When utilizing the tools in the 10-Minute Money Machine... and embracing this man's financial strategy... it's possible to shear tens of thousands of dollars right off the top of the market. In fact, this strategy guarantees you will see multiple opportunities - each month - that can double or even triple your money. It doesn't matter if you have $10 or $10,000 - you only need 10 MINUTES to have a chance to launch yourself on the path to millionaire status. Take a look...

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