
Nobody knows anything

Bill Bonner’s Diary

Nobody Knows Anything

By Maria Bonaventura, Managing Editor, Bill Bonner’s Diary

You can print fake money… and you can fight fake wars. But there’s one thing you can’t fake: time.

That was our editor’s focus this week, as he explored the blockheaded world of Trump… and the dangerous world of negative bond yields.

How will it all end? Nobody knows. In fact, as Bill reminded us this week, nobody knows anything…


Trump May Be a True Believer After All
On Monday, Bill wonders: What if Trump isn’t the self-promoting genius our editor took him to be? What if he truly believes, like his Swamp predecessors, that the way to make America great is to print more fake money… and start more fake wars?


The Feds Can Print Money, But They Can’t Print Time
In the 20 years Bill has been writing the Diary, he’s connected quite a few dots about how the economy really works. On Tuesday, he shares the most important lesson he’s learned. It’s one they won’t teach you in school… and that almost no politician or professional economist will ever admit…


China Isn’t the Super Pooch It Appears to Be
There’s a common myth in America… We call that myth “democracy.” In practice, Dear Readers know who makes the important decisions. But what you may not know is that there is a competition going on between different factions of the Deep State. Could it cost Trump his re-election?


This Money Isn’t Smart or Dumb. It’s Raving Mad.
Nothing resists time, Bill reminds us on Thursday. And today’s “rigged-up” bond bubble is no exception. The only questions that remain are: When will it pop? How? And does it really matter?


How Trump Became the Deep State’s Top Promoter
As our editor points out on Friday, government corruption has become more flagrant since the turn of the century. And the formula the feds have been using to “make America great” is actually a ticket to bankruptcy…


The Right (and Wrong) Place to Put Your Money Now
On Saturday, we turn to Tom Dyson, the guy who went “all in” on Bill’s Dow-to-Gold trade model. Tom shows us why he’s only been this confident in a trade two other times in 20 years. And he shares an important lesson he learned along the way…


Maria Bonaventura
Managing Editor, Bill Bonner’s Diary

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Your LAST CHANCE to Become a Marijuana Millionaire?
September 17 could be the biggest date in pot stock history.

This event will unleash a pot stock mania 5X bigger than anything we’ve seen yet.

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So learn how to get in before it’s too late.


New “Social Justice” Craze Targets Retirees?
A scary new demand from the social justice movement. One expert explains why retirees (and investors) should beware.
Read his warning here.

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