
“Secret” TRUMP Deal: $40,983 for each taxpayer

Gilder's Daily Prophecy

September 29, 2019

"Secret" TRUMP Deal: $40,983 for each taxpayer

Doug HillDear Daily Prophecy Reader,

The buzz we hear from Washington is that President Trump pulled a fast one on the Deep State and the Dems — and it could give every American taxpayer the chance for $40,983…

He pushed through this hidden clause deep in the new tax bill, and some folks are already collecting extraordinary amounts of money…

Like $4,280… $6,344… and we even know of one guy who collects $8,181 — every month!

It just takes a few minutes to get started…

Click Here Now and you'll see exactly how you can set yourself up to get monthly checks too.


Doug Hill

Doug Hill
Publisher, Gilder's Daily Prophecy

P.S. It's possible the GOP will try to kill this deal as part of negotiation on the border wall… but even if it does, anyone already getting checks will continue to get them! So click here now to learn more before they try something sneaky.

