
You Know You Have a Goldmine when Noah's Ark Can Float On It

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Oil and Energy Investor with Dr. Kent Moors

September 1, 2019

Dear Oil & Energy Investor,

In past Oil & Energy Investor columns I have discussed the incredible progress that the U.S. is making in the matter of energy production.

The U.S. is number four in natural gas production...

Number three in LNG exports...

Number two in solar energy capacity...

And number one in oil production.

Now, that number one accolade is due in no small part to the frankly biblical amount of oil and natural gas that is flowing beneath the Permian Basin in West Texas.

You might say that Noah's Ark could float atop it quite comfortably, animals included.

And there's one section of the Permian Basin that could have an additional 20 billion barrels worth of oil beneath it - by itself.

The oil here is of the highest quality, and yet the cheapest to get out of the ground.

According to the CEO of one of the largest energy exploration firms in the world, much of the oil in this region will only cost $2.25 per barrel to extract.

This is an astounding reduction in cost.

In other words, this is the sweet spot of U.S. oil production.

And any savvy investor should be seeing dollar signs right now.

Just click here to find out how those dollar signs could end up in your bank account.

Energy Advantage
Energy Advantage September Issue: U.S. Oil Production

Despite the move toward renewables, along with a renewed push into biofuels, the overall perspective of the energy market will remain remarkably consistent. In other words, what occurs in oil will still have a dramatic effect on energy in general. In this month's newsletter, I discuss some matters impacting U.S. oil production and exporting prospects moving forward. Take a look...

The State of Geopolitics in a Schedule of Meetings

I will be jetting all over the world in the course of only a few weeks very soon. I am currently preparing for meetings regarding the ongoing crisis in Venezuela, increased tensions in the Persian Gulf, and my contributions to a Saudi agenda. As always, I will take you along to these meetings to the extent that I can, but for now, here's what I can tell you...

The Energy Inner Circle
The Venezuelan Crisis Is About to Worsen

The Dark Files: Late next week, I will be traveling to the Persian Gulf. As will become clear when I file from these locations, separate meetings are necessary; some parties these days are not speaking to each other. There is much happening in and around the Strait of Hormuz that will consume much of my conversations. However, today, I am turning to another major hotspot of international energy... Venezuela.

Congratulations Are In Order for a Hefty 80% Profit

Profit Alert: My Σ Algorithm trading system has been on fire recently. In fact, this is the twelfth large gain since the algorithm was introduced. My Energy Inner Circle readers received an alert to sell one options play for a hefty profit, and my algorithm is indicating another options play that is moving into positive territory. Here are the details...

Micro Energy Trader
Three Strong Profits and Two New Algorithm Plays for My Micro Energy Trader Readers

Profit Alert: The smoking Σ Algorithm trading system is now signaling five separate moves. The initial three are sales of options held, some of them only recently acquired. In each case, the algorithm is flagging a sale for a very nice gain in an intensely volatile market environment. Here's what I told my readers to do...

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If you're not a member, make sure to click on the research service or alert you're interested in, to learn how to gain instant access to every single alert...

And get new ones delivered straight to your inbox the second they're ready.

This is just a taste of the benefits you receive as a member. Next week, I'll be back with more.



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