
Global “HACK ATTACK” Warning

Gilder's Daily Prophecy

December 3, 2019

Global "HACK ATTACK" Warning

Doug HillDear Daily Prophecy Reader,

How safe are you from getting your financial life "hacked"?

Well, let's do the math…

Last year, did you know that hackers stole half a billion records?

Did you also know it takes most businesses — even big ones like Facebook or Equifax — as much as 6 months to even discover they've been hacked?

Or that these hacks are nearly constant, happening every 39 seconds on average?

And they'll hit you anywhere you've got a connection to the internet.

That's why you'd better take a second to read this…

See, according to the man who's been called "America's #1 futurist"… "Wall Street's most influential technology trader"… and "a true American genius"… 

There's only one way to strip these massive risks from the system.

Ant it's going to take a lot more than resetting your passwords for the 100th time.

Instead, he says, we're facing a "GLOBAL REBOOT"…

One so big it could rewire as much as $16.8 trillion of the world economy… and change everything you know about earning, saving and investing your money.

But that's not all…

He's found a way this "REBOOT" could also make you rich — click here to see how.


Doug Hill

Doug Hill
Publisher, Gilder's Daily Prophecy

