By Bill Bonner Monday, June 1, 2020 – Week 12 of the Quarantine SAN MARTIN, ARGENTINA – What joy for a cynic! Here is proof that the human race is every bit as stupid and as cupid as he always thought it was. Two of the biggest public policy humbugs in human history have come in the last 90 days. Today, we look at the first one. On their own, people are passably competent and tolerably intelligent. They drive down highways at 70 mph. They balance their checkbooks. They get along with each other. But give them “public policy,” and they immediately shed 50 IQ points… becoming delusional, vainglorious, and aggressive. Recommended Link | Tiny "Defense" Company Could Help U.S. Win Trade War See the shocking story on this tiny $3 company. It could be the most important player in the U.S./China trade war… It's nearly ready to supply the Pentagon with a critical technology – the first company to do so on U.S. soil in more than a decade. Right now, it's perfectly positioned to help America "win"… And potentially surge an extraordinary 1,127% over the next 6 months. What is this technology… why does America need it so badly… and what's the name of this tiny company? | | -- | Magic Wealth Everybody knows, on his own, that if he makes a copy of a $1 bill, it is worthless. But he thinks that the feds can create trillions of them… and they will magically represent real wealth. On his own, he realizes that he knows nothing about China, Russia, or Iran. (As for the latter, he is not even sure where it is… or what language they speak there… And he believes, vaguely, that it is full of Arabs.) But as a matter of public policy, he is sure they are up to no good. Personally, he avoids getting into conflict with his neighbors. But let the feds and the press come up with a woebegone war – against small countries… drugs… poverty… terrorism (even though he has no idea who qualifies as a terrorist)… and now, a molecule – and his national pride is engaged; he’s ready to back the war with all his heart. In an era of disease, this "new cure" could be one of the most powerful medical technologies of our time. No Indiscriminate Killer On March 13, President Trump proclaimed a state of emergency. At the time, it looked like it might be the best thing to do. After all, the human race was at war with a New Plague… that, we were told, could rake through the population, killing millions. By March 17, the “emergency” was obviously a mistake. The Italians came forward with the evidence. It was us – over 70, with pre-existing health problems – for whom Death had come a-calling, not the entire human race. A lot of people got the disease – just as they get seasonal colds and flu – but it only kills the old and the sick. The median age of death in Italy was over 80. And here, Dear Reader, we give you a sad “heads up.” We’re all going to die. The only question is when. On average, in the U.S., we die at age 78. COVID-19 takes us at 78, too. Young people are almost immune. The Italian report revealed that by mid-March, no one under 30 had died from the virus there. And there had been only 17 deaths among people under 50… And all those under 40 who had died from the virus had pre-existing “co-morbidities.” Overall, 99% of the fatalities had a previously existing ailment. Between the young and the old is about a half a century… and a thousand times difference in mortality rates. And yet, under the Trump/Fauci internment program, the two groups were locked up together. It was like putting both a serial killer and an innocent nun in solitary confinement, regardless of their crimes. About half of those killed by the virus in America were in nursing homes and half-way houses already… that is, lingering somewhere between the quick and the dead. And all the evidence that has come out since then has confirmed that this is no indiscriminate killer. Instead, it merely helps those already headed to the grave to get there a little faster. For everybody else, it is just another of life’s risks. And for people under 60, it carries about the same risk as driving to work. Recommended Link | Silicon Valley guru Jeff Brown: "The first trillionaires will come from this" Is it possible for a lone investor to become a trillionaire? According to Silicon Valley experts… including a billionaire "Shark" from the popular business show… The answer is yes! All it takes is the right opportunity. And the new device you see above is expected to grow into a $15.7 trillion market. Better yet, only three companies dominate this technology. You can get in now for around $226. | | -- | From Mistake to Scam With these facts at hand, Dr. Fauci and the president should have immediately looked the nation in the eye, told the truth, and reversed their Universal House Arrest policy. The vulnerable should have been warned… old age homes could have been defended… and the rest of the population would have been free to use its own judgment. Instead, the “mistake” turned into a scam. The media, the governors, the health experts, and the feds induced a war hysteria. Wearing a mask became a display of not just civic virtue, but obedience. Dissent was dismissed as “crackpot,” anti-social… or treasonous. Adults challenged each other: “Why aren’t you wearing a mask?” And here’s New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo: Not wearing a mask is not okay, and that has to be the culture and that has to be the attitude. It’s not okay if you don’t wear a mask. It’s not okay for you to jeopardize my health. I don’t think it’s right for you to jeopardize your health, but that’s your health. And by the way, you jeopardize your health. Amazing 17-Second Video Reveals Key to Tech Fortune… Oh? The press and the health-scolds try to pretend that there is a battle going on between the mask-wearing “science” of Dr. Fauci and the unmasked politics of Donald Trump. But where is the science? Is there evidence that a non-mask-wearing society will be worse off than one where masks are obligatory? It doesn’t exist. Some places require face masks; some don’t. Some people wear them; some don’t. Even the World Health Organization now disputes the need for masks. Here’s its new guideline: If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19. Lunatic Regulations Anthony Fauci is Donald Trump’s employee. Part of the executive branch, he is a career Deep Stater, who could be fired at any time. But the two – Trump and Fauci – found each other useful, one pretending that there was a mortal threat… the other pretending to protect us from it. The former enjoys more fame and influence than any public employee since Pontius Pilate… the latter positioned himself as a “war president,” claiming power that would be off-limits in peacetime. And then, as if to mock science as well as common sense, lunatic regulations appeared across the nation to enforce the lockdown… You were allowed on “wet sand” but not on dry sand… You were told that fresh air and sunshine would help keep the virus at bay… but outside sports were canceled… children (who had been shown to be immune from the disease, and did not carry it to others) were discouraged from playing outdoors… even summer camps and summer holidays had to be canceled as the health goons cracked down… You were allowed to drive in a car with your family… but not to get into a boat… You were allowed to buy lottery tickets, booze, and marijuana – they were “essential” – but going to church was verboten… Restaurants, bars, sports events… all were off-limits, even to people with nearly zero chance of dying from the virus… You could drive to the golf course with three friends… but you couldn’t play golf together… You were supposed to cry a tear for the 100,000 victims of COVID-19, but as for the 647,000 who die every year from heart disease, the 606,000 victims of cancer, and the 167,000 who die in accidents… well… tough luck… You could be arrested and put in jail for violating the lockdown… but convicted criminals were let out, because it might be dangerous to their health to stay in prison! Recommended Link | COVID-19: The Pin That Burst the Bubble It's no surprise that the coronavirus has created a worldwide pandemic, as we see markets around the world hitting record-breaking lows. But what you might not know is that Bill Bonner and Dan Denning have been tracking the debt bubble for more than 20 years and were prepared for it to burst. (Actually, Bill has been warning his readers about it for many years.) The coronavirus was just the nail in the coffin… If you were following our advice, you would have been prepared for this situation... But the good news is it's not too late to prepare yourself now. (You might even be able to profit.) | | -- | Even Bigger Scam The Big COVID-19 Scam has cost Americans an estimated $5 trillion. So far. That’s just the money; we can’t even begin to tally the costs in lost opportunities, indignities, and inconveniences. But wait. After the lockdown was revealed as a scam, hardly a week had passed before the feds came up with an even bigger scam. Tomorrow, we will tell the story from the point of view of the victims… Stay tuned… Regards, Bill Like what you’re reading? Send your thoughts to FEATURED READS Federal Reserve to Make Loans to Main Street The Main Street Lending Program – a $600 billion effort by the Federal Reserve to further aid businesses during COVID-19 restrictions – is "days away" from administering its first loans. What exactly is the Fed doing? Click here for details… Doug Casey's Four Steps to Generate and Preserve Cash No matter your financial situation, Bill's longtime friend and colleague, Doug Casey, says you need to prepare for the worst. Here, Doug suggests four steps to take to generate and preserve cash… so you can be ready for the financial upset he and Bill see coming... MAILBAG Last week, Bill criticized the U.S. government's fiscal policies and actions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic in "The Worst Policy Ever Devised by the U.S. Government." Today, dear readers respond… As a lifelong Independent, President Trump was the first candidate I donated to after seeing him at a rally in Michigan. He spoke honestly about the changes he would make. And he kept most of his promises. Hopefully, he will get a second term to continue to battle the Deep State! It is unfortunate that both parties are part of our government’s lack of strong fiscal management! Short of a revolution, I am not confident our elected leadership is capable of self-governing! In the meantime, I will do my best and follow your suggestions to survive the coming changes to our way of life! – Wendell O. Indeed, the middle class is again getting clobbered. The drip-down philosophy of the Republicans has never worked. When I was working in the aerospace industry, as we went through a layoff, I had a good friend who was a VP. While workers (myself included) were being laid off, the executives in the company were all getting bonuses and having new cars delivered for their use. This seems to be a continuation of the farm subsidy program, where the small-to-midsize farmer got nothing, while the corporate farmers (with their staff of legal and accounting wizards) knew how to suck up the government funds. A recent example is how the Los Angeles Lakers basketball organization was able to secure hundreds of million of dollars in loans… and other large corporations sucked the banks dry, so funds were not available for small businesses. Then, they expected to be congratulated for turning the money back in. Though publicly stated, who knows if that happened. – Charles G. While another dear reader enjoyed Bill’s adventure from last Wednesday’s Diary, in which he finally scaled the mesa on his ranch in Argentina… Your mesa-top adventure was exciting. You were VERY lucky that Martha found the secret path. Going back the way you came, already difficult, might actually have been too difficult on the way down. I enjoy your stories because they are always rich in historic references to other times and places – so the reader gets several stories for the price of one. – Peter A. Are elected government officials capable of “self-government”? Is America’s economic structure a reflection of Republicans’ failed “drip-down philosophy,” as Charles believes? Write us at IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… The Most Controversial Interview Ever Done – Now Live Once More Three months ago, it was pulled down suddenly – and without warning. Now, after much blood, sweat and tears, it’s live once more… And it will blow your mind -- while potentially putting $128,000 in your pocket, even during these uncertain times. Watch the newly uploaded interview here now, while it’s still live…  Get Instant Access Click to read these free reports and automatically sign up for daily research. |