The second-wave of the cord-cutting revolution is just beginning. And if you missed your chance to get in on Netflix early...then you are going to want to see this. Because Motley Fool Co-Founder David Gardner has been following the cord-cutting revolution for years. David first recommended that members of Motley Fool Stock Advisor buy Netflix in 2004. And Netflix stock rode the first wave of the cord-cutting revolution to massive gains. Investors who bought Netflix on the date when David first recommended turned every $1,000 invested into nearly $230,876! And that's why I'm so excited to write to you today. Because cord-cutting is finally going mainstream. Fortune magazine reports that by the end of last year, over 30 million American households no longer paid for cable...that means nearly 1/4th of all Americans have already kicked cable to the curb... And it's setting up an incredible opportunity for one tiny American company. Because this company's AI powered platform has allowed it to rack up a mountain of cash from the cord-cutting revolution. Now, I would never promise that this company will generate 20,000% returns like Netflix... But with thousands of Americans cutting the cord every single day...I don't think I'm too far out on a limb with this prediction: Five years from now, I think you'll probably wish you bought this stock. And today is your chance to learn the full story on this remarkable company. Because we've packed all the details into a brand-new investor's guide. This valuable report is called "All In Buy Alert: An Investor's Guide to the Cord-Cutting Revolution." And the best part is that we are sending a complimentary copy of this powerful report to every member of Motley Fool Stock Advisor. And if you want to get your hands on this valuable investing research...your timing could not be any better. Because until tomorrow at midnight we are running a huge celebration sale...that allows you to grab a copy of "All In Buy Alert: An Investor's Guide to the Cord-Cutting Revolution"...and knock up to 75% OFF off the regular list price of Motley Fool Stock Advisor. 1 Day Remaining! Take Up to 75% OFF Motley Fool Stock Advisor (as low as $199 $49/year on a 2-year term for unlimited access) That's as much as $300 off the award-winning stock service led by Motley Fool Co-Founders David and Tom Gardner. But you have to act quickly because this special offer expires tomorrow at Midnight. Simply click the button below to get all the details. |