Editor’s Note: Right now might be the best opportunity you'll ever see in the gold sector. That's because Doug Casey's top resource expert, Dave Forest – an expert who already took his own gold royalty company public — just revealed a breakthrough in the gold sector that has the potential to rack up extraordinary 52,900% gains or higher, all because of a little-known anomaly. (It's not stocks, bonds, ETFs, options, futures, or cryptos — but it can be bought through any broker.) Dave is even giving away his top pick 100% FREE. No strings attached. Check out his urgent note below. Dear Reader, Have you ever heard of "gold placements?" If you haven't, you're not alone. 99% of Americans don't know about them. They're not stocks, bonds, ETFs, options, futures, CDs, coins, bullion, cryptos, or anything else most people are familiar with. And yet, my partners and I have personally used this secret gold investment to see gains like: 218%, 220%, 277%, 350%, 420%, 433%, 650%, 1,054%, 2,450%, 3,922%, 5,509%, and 6,200%. Now, you may be wondering how 99% of Americans have never heard of an investment this lucrative. There are many reasons, but probably the biggest reason is that until recently they were essentially off limits to regular investors. Plus, they're not easy to find. They're one of those things you'd almost certainly never come across unless you knew exactly where to look. Don't get me wrong... they're incredibly easy to trade. (You can do it in any online brokerage account in a few minutes.) But finding them requires a bit of specialized knowledge. Once you know how to find them, however, they can change your life like they did mine. I'm so confident this is one of the best investments on earth... that I'm going to give you the secret code to one of my favorites today for FREE. No strings attached... FREE. I'll show you how to invest in them in 30 seconds, using nothing but your existing brokerage account. I've put everything you need to know to get started in a short video you can watch right here. Just watch this video and get your FREE code to my favorite new investment today. Regards, David Forest Editor, Casey Research |