By Chaka Ferguson, editorial director, Palm Beach Daily The market ended the week in the red… with the S&P 500 down more than 50 points this week. But at PBRG, we use a highly diversified asset allocation model to grow our portfolio. Various studies show that over 90% of a portfolio’s long-term returns are driven by asset allocation. That’s why we’ve been pounding the table on a new subclass of cryptos we call “Tech Royalties.” They have the explosive upside of small cryptos… But what sets them apart is they pay massive ongoing royalty-like payments. And whether the crypto markets go up or down… Tech Royalties guarantee you a yield. In our own Tech Royalty portfolio, we’ve seen returns of 1,426%, 2,281%, and 4,281%, along with open average capital gains of about 604%. This past week, Daily editor Teeka Tiwari broke news about an IPO that could bring more than 45 million people stampeding into this subsector of the crypto market. And for a short time, we’re running a replay for those who missed it. You can click here for all the details. And as a bonus, you’ll get Teeka’s No. 1 long-term Tech Royalty play just for watching… Regards, Chaka Ferguson Editorial Director, Palm Beach Daily P.S. Right now Tech Royalties are making massive gains of 3x, 5x, 10x, and more… and on top of those life-changing gains, they generate huge slugs of income with annual yields as high as 300%. So if you want to transform your financial life without putting your current lifestyle at risk, you owe it to yourself to learn about Tech Royalties. Like what you’re reading? Send us your thoughts by clicking here. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Your Dream Vacation Finally Possible? A new technology is transforming our nation. And it’s helping regular folks escape the rat race and take fully paid “crypto vacations…” Just take a look: -
The New York Post reports Jacob R., a 59-year-old from Pikes Peak, Colorado is building a $1.4 million “dream house” and is now waiting for his new $250,000 Tesla Roadster to go into production… -
MarketWatch says 45-year-old Doug C., a middle manager in San Francisco, walked away with $13 million… He’s promised to take his family on expensive trips to Hawaii, Italy, Costa Rica, and a Disney cruise… -
And Fox Business recently profiled 24-year-old Natalie B. from Manhattan, who paid off $19,000 in college tuition and treated herself to a new Tesla Model 3 and a trip to Miami… Of course, these extraordinary results are not guaranteed… But as you’ll see, this could be just the beginning… Click here now to watch the FULL video. Our Best-Selling Research | MISSING: Bill Bonner’s LAST and Most Important Book Recently, Bill Bonner published a new book, which details his final warning to investors.
But shortly after it hit bookstore shelves, it disappeared, without a trace.
Today, you’d be lucky to find a used copy online for $79.
While some suspect Bill’s book has been “shadow-banned” by major retailers… the truth is far more interesting… and urgent. For the full story – including how you could claim a copy, free as part of this limited-time offer – click here. | |