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Image Source: Frederica Miller When we enter a dining establishment, I'm sure we all expect generally the same experience: a polite staff and edible food are the baselines for any restaurant or cafe. The social contract demands that we all treat each other with respect, especially customers patronizing our establishments.
Well, the staff of this particular London café apparently never got that memo. Or, if they did, they interpreted "treat others as you want to be treated" as "menace strangers with a frying pan and a block of cheese."
Being ranked 1845th of the 1845 "Quick Bites" spots in London, it's a wonder this place has any business — especially when the staff apparently serves only moldy bread and unbridled rage for lunch.
THIS SECRET PICK COULD REVOLUTIONIZE THE WAY YOU MAKE MONEY There are few things more frustrating than feeling exhausted and yet, at the same time, not feeling able to fall asleep. There are a whole host of reasons why we might struggle for that much-sought shut eye from time to time, ranging from a new job to an exercise regimen that borders a little too close to our sleep time.
The good news is that, regardless of why you're having a difficult time falling or staying asleep, there are small lifestyle changes you can make to remedy your insomnia.
Experts share the top roadblocks to a restful night, and how to overcome each of them.
Image source: Space News The space company Astra attempted to send another rocket into orbit last week, only to have the attempt end in a failure yet again.
Upon launching, the rocket was seen sliding sideways, before correcting itself for its attempt to reach orbit. The noticeable slide was blamed on one of the engines failing to fire just one second into the launch.
After this issue was corrected, the rocket continued its launch and was able to reach an altitude of 31 miles before a flight safety crew shut the launch down. The engines were purposely stalled 2:28 into the launch and the rocket returned to the ground safely.
So, what ultimately caused the launch to be aborted so abruptly?
More Technology News
If you buy the iPhone 13, you may not need cell service to make texts and calls
Though the U.S. might not have the centuries-old cathedrals of our European cousins, our country's history does comprise a broad array of styles of architecture, which are exhibited all across the nation. From shingle-style vacation homes on the east coast to Renaissance Revival mansions down south, there's no shortage of architectural inspiration across the 50 states.
Image Source: Gary Sweeney Here's one you won't want to read in the dark.
Dorothy Forstein was a well-liked member of her community, a devoted wife and mother, and a caring friend. She was described as a happy, outgoing woman. Certainly not someone with enemies.
On January 25, 1945, Dorothy had left her children in the care of neighbors so she could do some shopping. She was seen around town by various people, notably a Mrs. Townley who said she saw a strange man following Dorothy. Dorothy was attacked as she entered her three-story home by someone who knocked her down and began to beat her; when she fell, she dislodged the telephone. The operator called the police after hearing the attack.
The attacker disappeared when the sirens sounded. Police said it was a murder attempt. And five years later, Dorothy would disappear.
Stay Informed, ![]() Rex Jackson
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August 30 | Hanging rhinos upside down is "vital" for their conservation, say scientists
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