In fact, what if I showed you not one, but three, dividend stocks that I believe you should buy and hold forever if you wish to have your bills paid.
A note from the Editor: At Bull And Bear Stock Market, we keep an eye out for favorable circumstances we believe will interest our readers. The following is one such message from one of our colleagues I think you'll appreciate.
What if you could pay your bills each month with your dividends
How would you like all your bills paid each month for the rest of your life?
...without anyone's help..
...without any complicated investments...
...and, without hitting the Powerball...
In fact, what if I showed you not one, but three, dividend stocks that I believe you should buy and hold forever if you wish to have your bills paid.
You're not rich, per se.
But you've set yourself up to self-manage your portfolio with ease and to make sure you and your spouse are comfortable.
My readers are even going beyond paying for groceries:
Ray used his dividends (from stocks I showed him) to pay for a surprise $12,000 furnace replacement
Billy made more money with my dividend stock income recommendations than his job!
Phil plans to "buy a boat" and call it "My Dividends" as these stocks are so lucrative.