Sometimes, colleagues of Safe Retirement Reports share special offers with us that we think our readers should be made aware of. Below is one such special opportunity that we believe deserves your attention. | | |
| Dear Reader,
Weekly dividend checks? YES, finally that's possible, thanks to these two new stocks. It's like having an extra salary without lifting a finger!
I've been studying these stocks carefully for the last couple of months — and this is what I found:
| They've both been paying every week — regular as clockwork.
The first one's more aggressive and pays a nickel per share every Friday.
The second one's more conservative and is expected to yield 3% - 4% in the first year.
And what's most important, it also pays weekly — every Thursday.
This means we can use these two new ETFs to pay for our groceries, gas or restaurant bills.
| | | |
| Or, reinvest the dividends and quickly snowball your nest egg to help meet your retirement goals.
I've also recently advised 200,742 of my followers to purchase them, too.
Today, I want to share this information with you — absolutely free.
I'm Tim Plaehn — former F-16 jet fighter pilot turned passionate investor with 31 years experience.
I put all the details about these stocks in a new Special Report that you can grab for free — no strings attached.
No, it's not a trick. And no, I'm not a charity, either.
I give this information away for free so that new people can get to know me.
I'm just like a dentist who does a free clean and check up so that more people can get familiar with their services.
So the report is yours FREE and there's no credit card needed.
Just click this link to get it now.
| | Land, Fly or Die Tim Plaehn Lead Income Analyst Editor of The Dividend Hunter | | | | | |
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