
Is it a Skyrocket?

Investing Daily
I worked construction as a laborer the summer after my senior year of high...
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Is it a Skyrocket?

Who hasn't dreamt of purchasing a stock for $2... Hoping it would skyrocket to $200 for a quick 100-to-1 gain? That's what penny stocks can do sometimes. Check out the 4 penny stocks on our watchlist here.
Cashing In on Cheap Beer
By Jim Pearce

I worked construction as a laborer the summer after my senior year of high school before heading to college. Eight hours a day, I hauled brick and mortar in the blazing hot sun.

One of the bricklayers I worked with, Tommy, was often teased by his colleagues for wearing raggedy clothes and driving a rusted-out junker of a car. He didn't care. The way he saw it, the clothes would end up getting ruined anyway and the car was nothing more than a means of getting to and from work.

But when it came to beer, Tommy refused to drink anything but Heineken. Back then, Heineken was regarded as an expensive import that signified wealth and fine taste. The sight of Tommy swilling a Heineken each day at the end of his shift elicited chuckles from all of us.


This Simple Oil Play Could Pay Out up to 4022
This Simple Oil Play Could Pay Out up to 4,022%
It's here… the mother of all oil booms has officially arrived. And by making one simple move... you could see gains up to 4,022% (every $1,500 invested could rocket to $61,832 - or more). All thanks to one little-known Texas company set to uncork nearly a billion barrels of oil… and allow everyday investors to tap into the largest "black gold" discovery in history. Get full story - NOW.

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