
It’s August…Are you prepared for this?



As we get into the final month of summer, we've been seeing some interesting trade setups with low risk and high opportunity even though there is uncertainty in the market right now.

Tomorrow evening I'm going to be sharing them ALL with you.

Join me and the rest of our Trader Community and get the top trading ideas for August and make "The Dog Days of Summer" feel like a cool breeze for your trading.

Webinar: Top Trade Ideas for an Uncertain Market (Encore Presentation)

Date: Tuesday, August 2nd

Time: 7:00 PM Eastern (6:00 PM Central)

Registration: [link to register]

Why Attend: I'm glad you asked… ☺

"A rising tide raises all ships." – frequent quip of JFK's

For many of our students, this has been a great summer for trading. For others, it's been… a rough patch.

It's our goal to create 1,000 Success Stories THIS YEAR. In order to do that, we need to give 120% help to our traders who are struggling, while making the strong even stronger.

One of our students recently told us, "This is the GREATEST community of traders around". And there's ONE REASON for that…

You show up.

Yep. You put in the effort. Keep showing up and we all get better together.

This Community (YOUR Community) is getting together with me this Tuesday at 7 pm ET and I'll share everything that's working in the market right now, give you my Top Trade Ideas and spend some time answering questions afterward.

Growing together,


Profile Image Dan Passarelli
Market Taker Mentoring
(779) 324-2110 - Work

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Market Taker Mentoring, Inc. PO Box 117 Frankfort, Illinois 60423 United States

