Dear Subscriber,
Do me a favor …
Forget crypto.
Forget gold.
I even want you to forget about real estate …
Because there's something better.
The #1 sector by a mile this year is energy …
And the proof is in the pudding …
Just take a glance at the chart below …
That's right: Energy, including oil exploration stocks, beat their closest rivals 8x over …
In fact, oil-exploration heavy hitters posted gains of 238%, 225% and even 451% …
While their average performance is nothing to turn your nose up at, either — coming in at a rock-solid 46%.
And the best part? Those figures are year-to-date …
In other words — from only the start of January!
Don't think the smart money has missed out on this unbelievable move, either …
Tech billionaires you'd never think would be interested in oil have barreled in.
Guys like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and even Bill Gates have all taken multimillion-dollar positions…
They're getting in on the ground floor because the ground floor is where all the biggest oil fortunes have been made …
But if you think you can outpace the competition by just buying any old oil stock …
Think again.
Click here to discover the #1 way to take advantage of the stunning explosion ripping across the oil sector.
This doesn't involve buying a single oil future, investing in a single oil stock or risking your money on any exotic options …
Instead, it involves buying an oil business that doesn't produce, mine or refine even a single drop of oil …
Yet my research shows it could be the best oil business on Earth.
See all the details for yourself.
Call it like you see it,
Tony Sagami |