These "Hybrid" Securities Offer Higher Yields And More Safety
These "Hybrid" Securities Offer Higher Yields And More Safety By Nathan Slaughter It's no secret that dividend yields aren't what they used to be. The average payout among S&P 500 stocks has sunk to less than 2%. Even on a decent-sized $500,000 portfolio, that still amounts to just $10,000 in annual payments — or $833 per month. That doesn't exactly add up to a lavish retirement lifestyle. Fortunately, there are alternatives. As the Chief Strategist for High-Yield Investing, I've spent most of my career scouring obscure corners of the market for hidden yields of 6%, 8%, 10% or even more. For example, I recently profiled corporate bonds here and here — and why they're poised for a big rebound in 2023. But one of my favorite hunting grounds to bag these big payouts is within an asset class you may not even know exists. I'm talking about preferred stocks. | |
| | 12 Hot Stocks that Pay Out… Monthly? | | Income investing legend Nathan Slaughter has uncovered 12 hot dividend stocks that pay out income every month of the year. With just a few clicks, you could start raking in payouts of $210…$236…$250 or more. Not once per quarter… Not once per year… Every single month! Want the inside scoop on increasing your income (even in THIS market?) Get the full story HERE. | | |
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