Imagine having a shield at your fingertips that not only protects your car, but also ensures the safety of you and your loved ones. And just like the latest AI craze we're experiencing…this isn't a glimpse into a science fiction novel. In fact, this technology is within our reach right now, all thanks to this tiny company trading on the OTC that goes by the name of SecureTech Innovations (OTC: SCTH)... But before we go any further…I have to warn you… This stock is razor-thin and has been virtually inactive for months. However, I know if I'm getting emails about the stock…I know things will be popping off shortly. SecureTech Innovations (OTC: SCTH) - 1-month trading range: $3.00 to $3.95
- Typical average daily volume: ~37 shares
- Float: 20,003,000
SecureTech Innovations' Business SecureTech is focused on security and safety in the automotive space. The company's products aim at preserving life, protecting property, and preventing crimes. The company is the maker of Top Kontrol, the only anti-theft and personal safety automobile device known that can safely stop a carjacking without any action by the driver.  Source: SecureTech Innovations Top Kontrol is a tool designed to halt carjacking incidents without any intervention from the driver. It is a product that prioritizes safety above all else, demonstrating a true commitment to its mission of saving lives and protecting property. SecureTech believes there's a tremendous opportunity with Top Kontrol. For example, here are some stats that show that: 1,001,967 | | Number of US cars stolen in 2022 | $8.9 Billion | | Value of cars stolen in the US in 2022 | $9,166 | | Average dollar loss per theft | 7% | | Increase in US car thefts over 2021 | 23 Seconds | | How often a car is stolen in the US | Industry: Carjackings Skyrocketing Whether it converts to profits for SecureTech, it's yet to be determined. However, it's important to note that the company doesn't have all its eggs in one basket.  Source: SecureTech Innovations In addition, through its subsidiary, Piranha Blockchain, SecureTech, is developing advanced cybersecurity technologies for blockchain and cryptocurrency systems and platforms involving cryptocurrency mining, digital asset storage and protection, and cryptocurrency trading platforms. Financials  The company has improved revenues substantially over the past year. Going from $9,350 in Q1 2022 to $20,050 in Q1 2023. Gross profits have doubled during the same period. However, $20K in revenues over a 3-month period is not great. Especially considering the company boasts a market cap of over $100 million. And at the end of the day, SCTH is spending more money than it's bringing in. But according to the company, it believes it has enough cash and anticipated cash receipts from the sales of Top Kontrol to have sufficient capital to meet its need for the next 12 months. It will most likely need future financing to keep operations alive. And will explore those options if needed. Promoter Activity I received an email from one promoter highlighting the company. Here are their main points: 1. Small Float: SCTH has a small float, which translates to increased volatility in the stock. This volatility presents potential opportunities for traders to capitalize on short-term moves. According to the DTC, there are only 313,000 shares held there. This scarcity of shares can lead to rapid price movements, offering potential trading opportunities. 2. Unique Anti-Theft and Personal Safety Products: SecureTech Innovations Inc. develops and markets innovative personal and automobile security and safety devices. Their flagship product, Top Kontrol®, is the world's most advanced anti-theft and anti-carjacking system. It prioritizes driver and passenger safety and can thwart carjacking attempts without any action from the driver. 3. Growing Market: Vehicle theft rates have steadily increased, and SCTH aims to address this growing problem. With a significant rise in carjackings and motor vehicle thefts, SCTH has positioned itself to capitalize on the rising demand for vehicle theft prevention solutions. 4. Superior Patented Technology: Top Kontrol® utilizes superior patented FCC-approved technology, ensuring the protection of drivers and preventing various types of vehicle theft. It can stop a carjacking in about 15 seconds without any action required from the driver. 5. Easy Installation and No Contracts or Monthly Fees: Top Kontrol® can be installed on top of existing systems, making it impossible for thieves to drive away with the vehicle. Additionally, no contracts or monthly monitoring fees are associated with the product, providing cost savings for customers. Overall, the promoter did the best with the hand they were dealt. This promotion will be running until 6/1. It started on 5/30, so it will be interesting to see what tricks this promoter has up their sleeve or if the company will issue out a new press release in the coming days. The promoter received $20,000 for this three-day email campaign. Straight to the Facts SCTH has very little trading volume in it right now. In other words, I wouldn't be in a rush to trade this. In fact, I would wait to see what type of PR or pump this gets before considering trading it. If they can somehow tie their product or business to AI, then there's a chance it runs wild. But for now, it's only worth keeping on your radar. Always at your service, Baron Von Stocks |