
Your best investing move may only be $49

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Dear Investor,

$49 doesn't buy you much these days...

A tank of gas. A round of golf. A night at the movies with your family.

(Or you could treat yourself to that fancy coffee with the whipped cream & cinnamon... every morning for a whole week!)

But thanks to the most Foolish offer in the history of the financial industry, $49 could buy you a whole lot more today.

Like the secure, confident future you've worked hard for your whole life. And all the tools and guidance you need to get there.

Because if you click here, I'll show you how to get a full year of Motley Fool Stock Advisor, and scoop up TWO of our top bonus reports... all for just $49 per year.

Just click HERE to take the next step!

Sounds like a good investment to me. But I work at The Motley Fool... so maybe I'm biased.

However, Danny Vena from Longmont, CO didn't work here in June 2012 when he had this to say (we've since hired him as a contractor because he's awesome!):

"I always read the Motley Fool website, but to be honest I almost didn't buy the newsletter. At the time I had maybe $250 to invest. I am so glad I did because my subscription price has been paid off a hundred times over."
Danny Vena, Longmont, CO*

The full story behind Danny's statement is pretty interesting. He told it to me when he visited our headquarters in Alexandria, VA last year.

Danny's a penny pincher. No doubt about it.

That's because he's pulled himself up by his bootstraps. Serving in the Army for 13 years, then putting himself through school as an accountant... all the way to his CPA certification. Then working as the chief comptroller for 4 different businesses in Colorado.

Now, we certainly can't take credit for what Danny has accomplished. He did it all himself!

But we certainly can say we've helped him invest better. He's more than doubled his money since he became a Stock Advisor member in 2007.

(And as you can imagine, he's not the only one.)

Plus, Stock Advisor has gotten even BETTER in the time since Danny first joined us. Growing from a mom-and-pop newsletter into a complete online solution for investors at all levels of experience, from rookie to pro.

Your $49 today gets you...

  • A brand-new issue every month, with fresh stock recommendations direct from our Foolish co-founders David and Tom Gardner.
  • Instant access to our 10 Best Buy Now stocks, our 10 Starter stocks, and more than 220 other active picks. (With full research and analysis supporting each one.) So you can get started investing better right away.
  • Superior long-term performance... since 2002, the average Stock Advisor recommendation has more than tripled the return of the S&P 500. That's a transparent, "no cherry-picking" record that's been confirmed by an independent auditor, and earned a high-five from The Wall Street Journal.

Yes, Stock Advisor has just about everything an investor could ask for.

You'll still need to buy your own cup of coffee. But you'll have something pretty interesting -- and rewarding -- to look over while you sip.

Get Started Now

Here's to getting your money's worth,

Eric Bleeker
Eric Bleeker,
Investment Analyst
The Motley Fool

P.S. This $49 per year offer won't last forever, so to complete your order at our best price AND scoop up those free bonus reports I mentioned, just click here!

P.P.S. Your purchase today is backed by our full membership fee-back guarantee... Cancel in the first 30 days and we'll refund every penny of your membership fee. And keep all of the issues and bonus reports you've received no matter what! What can I say? Even our fine print is Foolish. So please click here to take advantage.


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We work fervently, feverishly, and Foolishly to make sure all the facts and figures we publish in our emails are 100% accurate and up to date. All numbers in this email as of May 08, 2019.
*Danny Vena from Longmont, CO didn't work at The Motley Fool in June 2012 when providing the testimonial statement above. We've since hired him as a contractor because he's awesome! He has been a contractor on the Supernova newsletter service since December 2014.

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