
Stop paying to watch TV

Hello again,

Aren't you just sick to death of the amount you pay to big cable
companies each month? I swear it's like they're all in cahoots to gouge
us for the same amount. Though they make promotions to swipe you
from their "competitors", they know your desperate attempts to jump
from one skillet to the other will even out between them, and you'll
ultimately still be either be with one or the other – because where else
are you gonna go? Am I right?

I can hear the evil cable company boardroom laughter from here....

Well, what if I told you a way to stick it to them once and for all – without
missing a beat? I mean think about it: you'd have a new, legal, easy to
use alternative that gives you all the programming you already have,
PLUS so much more ... Without ever paying those broadband bandits
another dime.

This isn't some kind of joke my friend. I'm talking about a device that will
make even the abilities of Netflix and Hulu seem small in comparison.
Honestly, keep reading to at least hear me out.

And yeah, I know – you probably think I'm talking about some kind of
$1000+ Smart TV you'd have to save for months to buy.

But I'm not. Heck no.

This is actually a small device that hooks in easily to your existing TV
& home internet connection, blending in with (and quite possible replacing)
your DVD player and gaming console.

I can't imagine a scenario where you aren't the least bit curious here...

To summarize:
* You pay too much for your TV, movies and Pay-Per-View entertainment.

* Corporate moguls are swimming in the money you shell out of your hard
earned monthly allowance (and forcing more and more commercials &
useless shopping channels on you in the process).

* YOU are the one with the power to vote with your wallet and send a
clear message that you deserve (and will demand) better.

* AND, you finally have that power now - without missing out on any of
your favorite programming ;)

So come on, CLICK HERE to at least check it out!

Yours Truly,
Dale White

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