
Meet the 25 cent Trader

Bill Bonner's Diary

Editor's Note: When we find interesting research from other publishers, we pass it along... even if it sometimes presents a different view of things. Below is a message from our colleagues from Paradigm Press. They have a controversial message for you... I urge you to keep reading.

Bills Bonner's Diary Reader,

Have you heard of "25-cent contracts"?

This is NOT hype.

You're about to see the TRUE story of how a small group of beta testers just like you have been making a fortune with this little-known instrument that trades for about 25 cents.

One of these beta testers, Bill F. from Minnesota, tried this "pocket-change" strategy...

And what happened next blew him away.

He said: "I made a net profit of $17,750 in 72 minutes !"

Have you seen that kind of BIG profit this FAST?

You don't have to believe me.

You can see it with your own eyes.

Simply click here to see a live demo of how this works...

Then you can decide if it's right for you.


Frank DeVachio
Managing Editor, 25 Cent Trader

