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Kevin Steven
Chief Editor
Bitcoin Updates
Surprisingly, the origins of this particular phobia may be traced back to an
experience, or initial sensitizing event in childhood, remaining dormant for
years, and only becoming manifest when something triggers it into being later
in life. This triggering event might have coincided with a particularly emotional
or stressful time in the person's life, or it may have been re-activated through
an experience similar to the original sensitizing experience.
It's not necessary that the person with this phobia be able to consciously
remember what triggered it. The subconscious part of the mind has forgotten
nothing, and it is this part of the mind that is consulted when in the trance
state of hypnosis.
Once the initial sensitizing event, together with significant reinforcing events
and the symptom-producing event have all been uncovered and correctly re-processed
or neutralized at the subconscious level, then the exaggerated fear and anxiety
usually just fades away.
If you or if someone you know is experiencing ambulophobia; if you're afraid of
walking or falling, then be assured, help is available.
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