| Happy Friday! (Raman Gill here.)
And in a few short seconds...
I'm going to show you the simple formula that radically changed my trading habits - and my trading results — forever.
And — if you're committed — I'm going to show you how you can easily make this formula work for yourself, too.
Regardless of your current skill set, and regardless of your history with the market!
My friends at Price Action & Income gave me this awesome opportunity to share my strategy with you (+768.46% gains this year)...
And I'm picking up right where we left off yesterday, plus a few surprises along the way:
You're going see how 50 people — just like you — took part in a radical new approach that transformed their trading performance in just two months...
You'll even see how they're using their success to help others discover this approach for the first time...
And ultimately — you'll see that virtually anyone who follows a basic formula for success can learn to trade at the next level…
And that your mindset has everything to do with how long it takes to get there.
Now, before we put the pedal to the metal…
Let's circle back to what we know so far:
(If you didn't get a chance to read my last one, check your inbox for the last email from Price Action & Income.)
More people are taking online courses right now than ever before in history!
BUT... only 10% of people are finishing them.
We saw a case study that revealed communication to be the first cornerstone of effective teaching AND learning…
And we established that online courses simply don't facilitate that.
I spent a few bucks on trading education…
Well, I actually spent fifty-thousand — YES, fifty-thousand — and aside from emptying my bank account...
All I got was a bunch of free info and no real way to apply it.
And lastly, I asked you to shed the scars from your past experiences with learning to trade…
And I asked you never to look back!
And judging by your absolutely overwhelming response…
It think it's safe to say that trading education has let most of us down — if not crushed our spirits entirely.
And even though it probably still stings, I want you to know:
When you shed those scars, you made a statement that you're ready to move forward.
And I'm incredibly proud.
Because those experiences, those scars... They don't get to tell your story anymore.
And whether you realize it or not, you've already taken a BIG step toward taking back your future…
So stick around, because now that you're FREE and you're ready to move forward…
I want to help you get back on your feet and back in the game.
You won't want to miss a word — I guarantee it!
Now that we're all on the same page, let's circle back to that formula I mentioned earlier.
Like any good formula, there are a couple moving parts, and each element is extremely important — but don't worry!
I'm going to break it down — step-by-step — so you don't have to worry about taking notes or memorizing every little detail.
Now you may have heard the expression "work smarter, not harder..."
Well, that's exactly what we're going to do as we peel back the layers of this formula.
Even though I absolutely believe there's a time and a place for hard work, I think most of us can relate to the sentiment:
Don't break your back if you don't have to!
If there's a better way — a smarter way — why make it harder than it has to be?
Not only does "smart" work make our lives a little easier…
It challenges us to think outside the box…
And find solutions that aren't painfully obvious.
It forces us to solve problems…
Instead of becoming victims to the problem.
Make sense?
Oh, and it almost goes without saying....
But this type of critical thinking does WONDERS when you're trading a live market.
So here's what we'll do:
We'll break the whole thing down into four elements, or as I like to call them, "cornerstones."
I'll take you through each one, explain every objective, then I'll give you real world examples — so that you can easily follow along and do it too.
Sound good?
The first cornerstone in my formula, and arguably the most important is... (Feel free to use your hands and give me a drumroll here…)
| | Communication!
That's right...
If you read my last email, you're already a step ahead!
If you're new to trading — and even if you're not — you should actively communicate with other traders and share your knowledge.
Even if you're not an expert, everyone has a unique experience, and that's valuable in itself, because...
From experience comes knowledge… and most often…
That's the biggest resource we have.
So if you have the opportunity, find a community of like-minded traders and open a channel of communication!
I'm not saying you have to start a social club or make a new best friend.
But you'll be surprised how much you can learn from other's experiences, including and especially...
What NOT to do!
Learning from someone else's mistake saves you the trouble.
So look at it this way:
Every person's story is a learning opportunity, and regardless of whether they're a few pages ahead or a few chapters behind…
You'll miss your chance to hear their stories entirely if you're not actively communicating with like-minded people.
Every path to "Happily ever after..." starts with the experience of those who came before us.
Remember that, and you'll spare yourself a ton of grief...
Plus — and I'm saying this from my own experience — once you have a few like-minded traders in your corner…
You'll be better equipped to take on new strategies that will elevate your market skills.
We'll talk more about that in a minute, but before we do… We'll have to conquer the second cornerstone of my formula, which is... | | Environment.
And this one is HUGE, believe me.
I'm not talking about the climate.
I mean the environment in which you are actively learning, trading, and honing your skills.
This is absolutely, 110%, a BIG freakin' deal; let me tell you why:
Imagine you wanted to grow some tomatoes.
Say, the ones at the store have too many pesticides, whatever; it doesn't matter.
You're ready to grow some of your own.
So you get the plants, the soil, the tools, and you get to work.
You find a nice corner in your yard, and you plant those tomatoes.
At this point, you can almost taste them.
But there's just one problem:
It's November, and tomato plants need a warmer climate to thrive...
Which means they won't produce any fruit until next summer…
And had you potted them inside…
Well you'd be eating tomatoes in about two months instead.
So even though ALL of those initial elements — the tools, the soil — were absolutely crucial to the process...
NONE of it mattered, because it wasn't going to grow any time soon — much less flourish — in the wrong environment.
And look, it's obvious where I'm headed with this analogy…
You can't expect to see results — even with the right tools — when you're not in an environment that promotes growth.
But it's as simple as that.
You should absolutely utilize the tools at your disposal — absolutely.
But make sure you're surrounding yourself with things that will help you get there...
Not get in the way.
And, circling back to our first cornerstone…
That includes people and communication too.
Seeing things clearly like that… It had a huge impact on my daily life.
By surrounding myself with things and people that were conducive to my success, I was actively taking steps forward every day…
Instead of taking what felt like two steps backward every time I drained my trading account.
So that's it. Take some time to consider your environment after this, and whether it's helping or hindering your growth.
You might also be surprised what a little "personal analysis" will reveal... Plus, conquering your environment prepares you to take on our third cornerstone, which is... | | Implementation.
Don't worry, I don't have another tomato analogy on deck.
But I do have two real-world statistics that'll make your jaw drop...
Did you know that today, 10 million people are trading Forex?
Let that sink in…
Ten million.
That equates to roughly 1 out of every 750 people on the planet trading this market!
That's a lot of stinkin' people.
But out of those 10 million traders, guess how many are actually making money?
Well… Sadly, less than 10%.
So maybe 1 out of 10 of us are actually making money trading.
Now let THAT sink in…
That means 9 out of 10 Forex traders are actively losing money.
And if that ratio sounds familiar…
It's because in my last video, we talked about the average success rate of people taking courses online…
And, yep — you guessed it — it was around 10%.
Now, that could just be coincidence...
But I don't think it is.
Because just like we established the fact that online courses don't facilitate communication…
You're probably starting to realize that trading education as a whole doesn't do much to promote critical skills like proper implementation, either.
It would do a lot to explain why so many people hit the ground running when they open a trading account…
Only to be eaten alive the second they start trading the live market.
Just like using the right tools in the wrong environment…
Learning a winning strategy you can't even implement will get you nowhere fast.
And YES, a solid strategy is essential!
But do you know how many traders copy a "winning" strategy and STILL lose money?
I don't have any statistical data on hand... But I'd venture to say most of them!
But look, I know we hit a somber note for a second there, and even though we know trading isn't easy…
It doesn't make stats like that easy to hear.
But what we've also established is that there's a core problem here, one we can actually trace all the way back to source...
Which is a fundamental problem with the way people are being taught to trade in today's fast-paced world.
But here's the thing…
The advantage we have so far — if you've been following the steps — is that each cornerstone lays a foundation for the next.
Think of them as building blocks.
So once you're communicating with like-minded traders in an environment that promotes growth...
You'll already be about TEN times more qualified to succeed in this market than the average retail trader…
Which means you're already on the path to being a part of the coveted ten percent...
Because remember, 10% isn't that small.
It's more exclusive than anything.
And realistically, you're probably only a few steps away from making the leap…
Because at this point — if you followed the formula — you have yet another advantage on most traders.
You understand how trading strategies work in the REAL world, not a hypothetical scenario, because you're plugged directly into the source:
Real life traders who are out there doing it every day!
Plus, if you're pooling your resources with even say, fifty to a hundred other traders within your community...
(Which is what I did in February of this year, and can't wait to do again by the way… More on that in a sec...)
You'll have real people with tons of experience who can help you through it.
Because proper implementation comes from hands-on experience, and you won't conquer this cornerstone if you're not actively participating.
With the foundation we've laid so far…
You're already on the fast track to being a ten per-center (the 10% who are making money).
But before we break out the champagne…
It's also important to understand that all of these cornerstones have laid the foundation for something equally important…
And that brings me to the fourth and final cornerstone of your new formula for success in the Market… | | Your Mindset.
Again, this one is way easier to conquer when you follow the formula.
Think of it as your last lap before the finish line.
The proper mindset certainly won't develop overnight, and it requires all the steps that come before…
So like I said, there's an order to this formula for a reason.
Work smarter, not harder. Remember?
Even though your mindset will ultimately determine whether you survive the market in the long term…
You'll be a hell of a lot more prepared with a solid foundation in place.
The best example I have of this?
Well, it's actually a great example of conquering all four cornerstones in one go…
Earlier this year, 50 everyday people joined me for a two month trading journey…
50 people who — probably a lot like you, and certainly a lot like me just a few years ago — had run out of hope.
You could even call it an "experiment."
We applied the formula at a massive scale...
We built a community, made a plan, and combined it with the near-ancient learning style I keep talking about...
And came across something so radically off-the-wall and undeniably effective…
That from here on out — I predict it'll change the way we approach trading education entirely.
In just two months, not only did these traders get personalized, hands-on training that would normally cost a fortune…
They also got the chance to add 20% to their account equity while they did it!
So stay tuned, because I can't wait to share every detail…
Including more details about how you can get in on the fun when we do it again next week!
(Trust me, you don't want to be on the sidelines this time, so I'm gonna tell you exactly how it works.)
If you're ready to learn more right now, then be sure to check out my new video series below.
In fact, you can even skip to video #3 if you've been reading along this far!
Until next time, keep an eye on your inbox for my next email!
This is Raman Gill, and I can't wait to share more with you soon. | | | | | | | |