
Analyst Reveals Top 1% Of U.S. Stocks

Greetings Reader,

If you have money in the stock market, you need to get your hands on the contents inside this envelope…

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It contains a confidential list of the only basket of stocks you might ever need to own.
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You see, of the roughly 5,312 publicly-traded companies on the stock exchanges… nearly all of them are "sucker stocks."

Only about 70 are worth your time and attention.

Only about half of those — just the 35 safe stocks inside this envelope — are worth putting in your portfolio now.
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In fact, a shocking study* from the Arizona State University school of business confirms that…

"The entire gain in the U.S. stock market since 1926 is attributable to the best-performing four percent of listed stocks."

Which means, 96% of stocks are virtually worthless.

They're weighing down your portfolio and cutting into your returns.

The 35 stocks on this list, on the other hand, include what could be the most recession-resistant and crash-proof stocks at this time.

I've made special arrangements to get this document into your hands today.
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So you can find out what these 35 stocks are — absolutely free — and buy as many shares as you want.

Go here for all the details…
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Jon Markman, Senior Analyst Weiss Ratings


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