Another New Earning Season is about to kick off and may well be one of the most volatile we've seen.
And it's this volatility that offers the potential for big moves and big profits!
But it's also this volatility that can paralyze and sideline most traders that have no idea how to trade it.
Instead of sitting on the sidelines and missing all the great trading opportunities that come with each new earning season I want you to be prepared and able to make some great profits during this new Highly Volatile Earning Season!
- Have you noticed how earnings are horrendous and the stock goes up?
- Or earnings are off the charts fantastic and the stock goes down?
What's up with that?
What if you had some easy strategies that captured profits no matter what those crazy earning reactions were?
That's exactly what I've put together for you in my upcoming, "Special Earnings Game Plan for Market Uncertainty [Interactive Trading Workshop]" set for this Saturday, April 3rd at 11 AM ET.
At this information-packed interactive, no cost, workshop, I'll get you prepared for trading during this new, High Volatility Earning Season, and I'll share with you some, easy-to-use, Earnings Option Trading Strategies and one very special strategy that keeps on giving winner after winner….
Here's a sneak peek of just some of what will be covered:
- How to plan around this upcoming High Volatility Earning Season so you're not caught napping
- How to take advantage of this market's elevated volatility and profit from it trading an earnings announcement
- Why & how earnings announcements offer a quarterly profit opportunity you don't want to miss
- How to avoid the #1 mistake traders make around earnings
- A simple way to know which option strategy to trade around earnings
- How to "Find" Volatility and Use It to Your Advantage with Weekly Options
- The Best Stocks for an Earnings Trade
- A Screening Process to Find the Most Probable Winners
- The Best Trading Tool for Earnings
- A Vital Stock Trading Check List
- Favorite earnings, non-directional, weekly option strategies
- Pre & Post Earnings trend trade strategy
- "Ninja" Earnings Strategy
- The Earnings Double Calendar Option Strategy
And More….
These Live and Interactive Events are loads of fun and, by design, are Super Interactive in order to provide an engaging venue for your trading questions as well as our focus on trading strategies designed for trading earnings…
And you won't want to miss out on a Very 'Ninja' Earnings Option Strategy that I'll share, the Double Calendar.
It's an amazing [Low Risk-High Reward], non-directional earnings option strategy that keeps on churning out winning trades.
So rather than sitting on your hands through another earning season and missing out on some great profit opportunities just grab a spot and join us.