Hey everyone, I just wanted to take a few moments to pause, step back, and thank all of you for the past week. I know I sent about one bajillion emails for Echo Trades. And I promise, I only did that because of how important I believe it is. But it means a lot to me that you’ve shown interest and such around as we shared this story. Even if you didn’t buy a thing, I’m still so happy to call you my friend! But, I did want to share one more thing with you that I’d love for you to take a look at. In my guess, most folks who didn’t join Echo Trades held back because of the price. Now, don’t get me wrong: I think $997 is a steal for what Jeff is offering, but I understand it’s still a big commitment. But what I want to share with you now costs as much as you’d pay for a cup of fancy coffee as Starbucks. And it’s something I just opened recently that I want you to get a chance to see. Would you want to start receiving my favorite under $5 stock pick every month? And join a program I worked with Jeffry to build? I think it’d be a perfect fit for folks who are interested in the kinds of trading Jeffry and I do, but aren’t quite ready to take the plunge at full price. If that’s you, check out this video to learn more. I think you’re going to enjoy it! Love the heck outta you, Rob |